FoxNews Breaking News Break in at the Watergate hotel

Just remember who told you it was a cover up for the CIA from the get go. They did NOT want everybody to know they were there or what they were doing there.
It's their job not to. The guy who pays them says keep this alive until after the 2014 election and 2016 if possible.
Originally posted by Expect2Win:
may be more than just a breaking and entering case. Next they will take a look at the Benghazi cover-up from another side causing mathematicians headaches trying to figure out how many sides this shape can actually have.
So, are you trying to keep FOX from looking foolish?
Are you concerned that the story won't go away?
Are you afraid Hillary might look bad?
What bothers you about this? You guys always rail on about FOX News saying they are totally untrustworthy. Don't stop your enemy from hurting itself!
Originally posted by millerbleach:

Originally posted by Expect2Win:
may be more than just a breaking and entering case. Next they will take a look at the Benghazi cover-up from another side causing mathematicians headaches trying to figure out how many sides this shape can actually have.
So, are you trying to keep FOX from looking foolish?
Are you concerned that the story won't go away?
Are you afraid Hillary might look bad?
What bothers you about this? You guys always rail on about FOX News saying they are totally untrustworthy. Don't stop your enemy from hurting itself!
Problem is stupid people watch and believe.
Well Miller that would NOT be proof of people watching Fox News and believing they should vote for Obama. If they watched Fox News they didn't hear anything remotely in favor of Obama the first or second time he was elected. But here we are with him in his second term so I guess he didn't do so bad the first 4 years after all. Maybe you could tell us how that budget deficit is going these days. I'm guessin you'd rather not discuss that since you think it's been growing by leaps and bounds for the last 6 years when it's actually been shrinking by a large percentage in the last 2 or 3 years.
What bothers me is that there is nothing there, and they keep thinking they are going to be able to impeach the president. If FoxNews pulls off that coup d'état then we have serious issues in this country.
So the ED Show is who you guys worship.
I think most level headed Americans would choose Megyn Kelly instead...
Silly Liberals... lol
I keep telling you guys to watch John Stewart and Stevie Colbert and we would all be better off!
Originally posted by millerbleach:
Originally posted by Veer2Eternity:

Problem is stupid people watch and believe.
Obama getting elected is proof of that.
So you voted for Obama?

You stinkin' commie libs are what's wrong with this country.
Unfortunately Colbert won't be around much longer.
I watch Stewart often. I think John Oliver is pretty good.
Originally posted by 3Rfan:
Well Miller that would NOT be proof of people watching Fox News and believing they should vote for Obama. If they watched Fox News they didn't hear anything remotely in favor of Obama the first or second time he was elected. But here we are with him in his second term so I guess he didn't do so bad the first 4 years after all. Maybe you could tell us how that budget deficit is going these days. I'm guessin you'd rather not discuss that since you think it's been growing by leaps and bounds for the last 6 years when it's actually been shrinking by a large percentage in the last 2 or 3 years.
If a second term equals success then W must have been.......
Originally posted by Expect2Win:

What bothers me is that there is nothing there, and they keep thinking they are going to be able to impeach the president. If FoxNews pulls off that coup d'état then we have serious issues in this country.
Who is even mentioning impeachment except libs like yourself?
If the Supreme Court keeps slapping him down that will suffice.
It means W didn't have any democratic competition for his second term.
Originally posted by 3Rfan:
It means W didn't have any democratic competition for his second term.
The wonderful Secretaty of State we have now?
Obama didn't have any either race!
you may be right for once.

Both parties are terrible.
This post was edited on 9/7 8:02 PM by Veer2Eternity
Originally posted by 3Rfan:
He's probably better suited for that job than president.
You think he would have been a poor President and not as poor of a Sec of St?
Originally posted by Expect2Win:
Either you are a liar, or you are not paying attention.

This post was edited on 9/8 7:52 AM by Expect2Win

Is impeachment in there????? No!!!!

“We have no plans to impeach the president. We have no future plans. Listen, it's all a scam, started by Democrats at the White House,” Boehner said Tuesday.

Democrats have sent pleas for contributions to their supporters warning that the GOP is out to impeach Obama and ruin his presidency. Using that pitch, Democrats raised $1 million Monday, according to the head of the House Democratic campaign organization, Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y.

This post was edited on 9/8 8:03 PM by millerbleach
Boehner has no clue or control of his house so I take what he says with a grain of salt. There are plenty of house tea partiers calling for impeachment.
Originally posted by vbsideout:

Boehner has no clue or control of his house so I take what he says with a grain of salt. There are plenty of house tea partiers calling for impeachment.
I can find Dems who want socialism as an economic philosophy. Does that mean the Dems want it or individuals? There is no move in the House to impeach! Maybe there should be but there isn't.
Interesting how the people who really are the Tea Party like myself find the "Impeach the President" thing nothing more than another MSNBC propaganda tool to use on mindless ED SHOW groupies.
Have you nothing else?
Originally posted by Scout 4u:
Interesting how the people who really are the Tea Party like myself find the "Impeach the President" thing nothing more than another MSNBC propaganda tool to use on mindless ED SHOW groupies.
Have you nothing else?
And then Veer and co think Tea Party folks just loved Bush. Where do they think the Tea Party came from?
Scout you need to give up the Ed Show stuff. Last I heard Ed gave up his evening show on MSNBC to go for some kind if internet gig. I have heard he came back with a show that is NOT in prime time. I couldn't even tell you when it's on so I guess I don't qualify as an Ed Show groupie.
Just a generalization, most people don't even know who Ed Shultz is.
That's a good thing,
It can't be a generalization if most folks don't even know he is yet you use the same one all the time.

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