Trump speeches are like a sales pitch for a time share.
Yes, what a unifying message at a graduation. Obama, the current leadership sucks and I'm the ex President.
Obama has to defend his legacy against Trump. Pathetic.
Turns out. Trump didn't blow the Covid19 response.
Testing is being provided. Ventilators are there. States are taking the lead.
Democrats that defend China look terrible.
So the new old message to graduates, is we need fundamental change. Because 8 years of change is never fundamental enough.
If a Republican is in the WH use your own initiative and judgement because it's up to you graduates.
But if the Democrats are in charge of the WH listen to authority or Obama. Lol
The real demagoguery started after
Obama blabbered any inequality is an inequity or unfairness spiel.
That Covid 19 spotlights systemic racism.
Somehow the deaths from Covid 19 are evidence of Jim Crow and slavery.
The disease kills people of color because they're black.
Not because of obesity, or close cross generational living conditions or social distancing practices. It kills because it's unequal.
Not that living with grandparents is a bad thing at all, but my God Obama.
Just because statistically this disease is killing the black community disproportionately it has nothing to do with racism or Jim Crow.
Then he connected the systemic racism of Covid19 deaths to a black man being gunned down for jogging. Which very well could be race related or vigilantism I have no idea ( no matter what the reason is for why he was tracked down and shot the killers need to go to jail for life).
So Obama's demagogic speech is much more dangerous than Trumps saying something dumb.
I'll take the time share speech over this HS for high school seniors everytime.