Anthony Thompson and Larry Porter show. Thompson has 2 rec TDs, 2 rushing tds and probably 10 tackles for Fort and Porter has 2 TDs and 150 yds receiving for Raytown.
Fort just lost their starting QB who was the 2nd string QB at beginning of year. The original starting QB who broke his wrist in week 1 is now back and playing cornerback playing with a cast.
Raytown will cause problems at districts if the team has a weak secondary. Porter is a high D1 talent. 6'3 and much faster than I expected.
Fort just lost their starting QB who was the 2nd string QB at beginning of year. The original starting QB who broke his wrist in week 1 is now back and playing cornerback playing with a cast.
Raytown will cause problems at districts if the team has a weak secondary. Porter is a high D1 talent. 6'3 and much faster than I expected.