Yes we don't know the numerator or denominator. Not that this isn't important to know. But it's a guess. We're in the dark. This is what Fauci is not saying in plain english. He says it, but his explanations are too careful.
Did you watch the video...he establishes the case that deaths aren't under-reported. Just cases. Because of limitations of testing.Yes we don't know the numerator or denominator. Not that this isn't important to know. But it's a guess. We're in the dark. This is what Fauci is not saying in plain english. He says it, but his explanations are too careful.
The testing is fine to say. But how? What's the plan? The practical application nugget is missing. Just because he says testing limitations are hindering his analysis doesn't give us answers.Did you watch the video...he establishes the case that deaths aren't under-reported. Just cases. Because of limitations of testing.
no, he didn't talk about limitations. Watch the video. it's only 5 minutes. worth the watch.The testing is fine to say. But how? What's the plan? The practical application nugget is missing. Just because he says testing limitations are hindering his analysis doesn't give us answers.
Okno, he didn't talk about limitations. Watch the video. it's only 5 minutes. worth the watch.
The model the white house is using can't predict the next day let alone long term according to the just released University of Sydney study. Over 70% of the state predictions of data in the WH study that predicted 95% likelihood has, he didn't talk about limitations. Watch the video. it's only 5 minutes. worth the watch.
The flu didn't go away, and people are counted as deaths due to covid when they don't even have evidence... that's all I'm saying.The model the white house is using can't predict the next day let alone long term according to the just released University of Sydney study. Over 70% of the state predictions of data in the WH study that predicted 95% likelihood has missed.
So this could come down to a quick and dirty solution to get people back to work
Fat or people with a body mass index above 30% stay home. Older people with secondary conditions stay home and self quarantine. Trace testing is useless
Kids that go back to school next fall stay away from Grandma and Grandpa. Everyone that needs to lose weight, do it. Continue good hygiene. Don't expect kindergarteners to keep a mask on. LolLets go to the Sweden model.
there's a 5% of immune antibodies tests that are false negatives or false positive.Lets go to the Sweden model.