First off all heard immunity would be easier to achieve if no one was vaccinated because those who developed natural anti-bodies would in theory have better and longer protection, that was the premise of my heard immunity post's. Secondly those who couldn't develop immunity would be weeded out. That has generally been the way virus of this type have been dealt with. Thirdly vaccine heard immunity is probably a pipe dream at best for a Corona virus because it's very suspect on the duration of time that immunity last from the vaccine.
Also all virus mutate and they mutate at a different rate, the flu mutates at a rapid rate that is why we need a new flu vax every year. The Corona mutates at a slower rate. And yes a increased vax rate will slow mutations and variants, but it will by no means be 100% effective.
Pelosi was discussing vaccinations for members of Congress and called knowing who was vaccinated a "matter of privacy."
But with that said forcing Vaccination upon people is the height of personal rights infringement. I don't often agree with Ole Nancy but she is 100% right on this.
Again what you don't get is that a large portion of America even many who are already vaxed, truly support the constitution and the Rights of their fellow citizens to not have to inject a substance into their bodies against their will.
The consequences and effects be D'md....Liberty over life and Freedom First. I and near half the population of America are 100% willing to live with the effects of a huge population of unvaxed and unmasked individuals and to take the so small and minimal risk of their actions. That is the only moral thing to do. Mine and others individual rights as a person comes before your and others right to impose you Moral authority upon other citizens.
Again you don't understand I don't care if others choose to not get vaxed and it causes a uptick in cases or deaths. I've did all I can to protect mine getting vaxed. If a person rolls snake eyes and dies like My cousin and some of my friends it is sad and depressing but death finds us all some day.
Because Life has risks and complications. And no one is guaranteed to die old and surrounded by loved ones. People die every day from a variety of self inflicted diseases or accidents. Death by C19/Delta is no different, no more preventable and no more tragic than many other deaths.
You clearly don't understand or can't even fathom the core principles of America and what it was founded upon. So it is no surprise you have zero issue with taking away or forcing your vile will and desires upon other
First off all heard immunity would be easier to achieve if no one was vaccinated because those who developed natural anti-bodies would in theory have better and longer protection, that was the premise of my heard immunity post's. Secondly those who couldn't develop immunity would be weeded out. That has generally been the way virus of this type have been dealt with. Thirdly vaccine heard immunity is probably a pipe dream at best for a Corona virus because it's very suspect on the duration of time that immunity last from the vaccine.
Also all virus mutate and they mutate at a different rate, the flu mutates at a rapid rate that is why we need a new flu vax every year. The Corona mutates at a slower rate. And yes a increased vax rate will slow mutations and variants, but it will by no means be 100% effective.
Pelosi was discussing vaccinations for members of Congress and called knowing who was vaccinated a "matter of privacy."
But with that said forcing Vaccination upon people is the height of personal rights infringement. I don't often agree with Ole Nancy but she is 100% right on this.
Again what you don't get is that a large portion of America even many who are already vaxed, truly support the constitution and the Rights of their fellow citizens to not have to inject a substance into their bodies against their will.
The consequences and effects be D'md....Liberty over life and Freedom First. I and near half the population of America are 100% willing to live with the effects of a huge population of unvaxed and unmasked individuals and to take the so small and minimal risk of their actions. That is the only moral thing to do. Mine and others individual rights as a person comes before your and others right to impose you Moral authority upon other citizens.
Again you don't understand I don't care if others choose to not get vaxed and it causes a uptick in cases or deaths. I've did all I can to protect mine getting vaxed. If a person rolls snake eyes and dies like My cousin and some of my friends it is sad and depressing but death finds us all some day.
Because Life has risks and complications. And no one is guaranteed to die old and surrounded by loved ones. People die every day from a variety of self inflicted diseases or accidents. Death by C19/Delta is no different, no more preventable and no more tragic than many other deaths.
You clearly don't understand or can't even fathom the core principles of America and what it was founded upon. So it is no surprise you have zero issue with taking away or forcing your vile will and desires upon others.
You have lost your ever lovin mind?!!! How dare you come on here and talk about human beings being "weeded out" if they couldn't develop immunity!! If you ever had any credibility you just lost it!