First Bolton. Now Tillerson. Truth keeps sprouting up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2002
Rex Tillerson to Judy Woodruff: “There’s just no two ways about it...if you’re seeking some kind of personal gain and you’re using whether it’s American foreign aid or American weapons or American influence, that’s wrong. And I think everyone understands that.”
Since truth and people's opinion are on the table, let's talk.

TRUTH: Killing an innocent child is murder.
POLL: 99.99999% of people believe it is unarguably wrong if one or both parents decided to end the life of their child because that child is an inconvenience or for any other reason.
POLL: 99.99999% of people believe it is wrong for anyone to facilitate or aid in these parents ending the life of their child for any reason.
POLL: 99.99999% of people believe that a child's life ending in murder is a far greater issue than a president doing things that those who do not like him have a problem with.
TRUTH: There is a massive problem with those that continue to put ignorant opinions to the forefront while facilitating and aiding in the murder of millions of innocent children by voting in those who allow it to happen.

I would also bahaaaaa but it's way too sad that anyone could be so ignorantly blind.
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