
This is such a dumb argument. I think everyone universally agrees that those words shouldn't be said, but it's simply not a race argument.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
You can bet that it would be a national outrage today if a white player made that comment about a black player. But black ESPN commentator tried to explain it away like this, and I paraphrase...
"Young blacks use that word everyday in the urban environment. It would be a big deal if Kaminsky, who is white, had made that comment about Harrison, who is black, and would have been taken in a whole different context. While Harrison was wrong and was being a sore loser, the use of the N-word in this situation is in a totally different context than if Kaminsky had used the word, so it is not a big deal. It is a word used commonly today by young blacks in the urban environment and has to been seen it that light. And that's the truth."

I think I am very sympathetic to the plights of blacks on many issues. But I don't get excusing the use of that word in the black culture because it is commonly used by young blacks in a different context. Frank Kaminsky would be harrassed and labeled for life if he had made the comment. And Harrison gets a free pass because he's black?? If blacks are so offended by the use of the word by whites, then they should stop using it themselves. I don't use the word and haven't said it in a long, long time because I do believe it is offensive and degrading to blacks. But I sure as hell don't want to hear that it's OK for blacks to use because it is a part of their culture.
This post was edited on 4/5 6:39 PM by Bogey Man
It's not even a racial slur anymore it's just a demeaning slur so it's perfectly ok for anyone to use it anytime about anyone.

Don't see what the big deal is
just my opinion

There is no question if it had been the other way around they would be wanting Kaminski barred from basketball for life, but then had he been the one saying it, it would have been a racial slur and he would be deserving of the heat. The fact that Harrison is black and Kaminski is white does change it in my opinion.

I think there is another issue at play here though. If the black community wants people not to use the word then quit using it themselves. If I was a black father and I heard my son say that I'd flat out knock him on his butt.

Harrison comes out of this looking like a filthy mouthed sore loser who lacks class, but I can't buy in to the racist argument here.
Re: just my opinion

Exactly,,,but just because white people use the word doesn't make them a racist either
A white person saying the n word to a black person is the definition of racism.
No racism is treating a black person different than a white person.

Words don't matter it's actions
Re: just my opinion

I'm not for sure there are many using it who wouldn't mean it in a racist context. I've heard young blacks throw that word around and I'm always stunned and disappointed when I hear it.
So let me get this straight cowherd,

If a white man calls a black man a ni??er , it's racism?

But if a black man calls a white man ni??er , all is well?
Re: just my opinion

If we could only go to Starbucks to discuss this, I bet we could resolve this issue once and for all.

This post was edited on 4/5 11:16 PM by Skinnin
Apparently the consensus among libertard demoncrats is that black people dont know any better so its ok for them to do anything and they get a pass.
I think the point everyone is missing is if Kaminsky said it he would have to have said something like f**** the cracker (or whatever white derogatory word you want to use) because it was black using a black derogatory word. DUH

Beside Redd Foxx, God rest his soul, use to say "you don't have to be black to be a n*****. The definition of n***** is someone shiftless and lazy. You ever watch Hee Haw? They have to call the dog up on the porch to see if it's raining."
Originally posted by ag-man:
So let me get this straight cowherd,

If a white man calls a black man a ni??er , it's racism?

But if a black man calls a white man ni??er , all is well?

Cowherd thinks it is not possible for a black person to be a racist.
Yeah, that's exactly what I believe.

You say really stupid stuff a lot of the time.
Can't believe I agree with miller. Lots of blacks hate white people, That's is racism.
Where is Al Sharpton? Let's see at Oklahoma kids are kicked out of school for saying it. Policeman lose their jobs for such comments. But Harrison was "just" joking and that's ok.
Lol, um, what? No, I haven't, but I'm not going to try and convince you otherwise.

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