We are getting ready to listen to a couple of hours of rhetoric about failed policies in the last 6 years. Tell me, factually please, what polices of President Obama's administration have been the colossal failures we are about to hear about. No facts will be given tonight they will just hammer home how bad America is and how much of a failure this Presidency has been, but I for one don't see any actual evidence this is true. I can't imagine where we would be as a country, especially the poor and middle class, if we had had another President.
Still puzzled why people don't get the simple fact that we are all different.
For an example, Democrats as a rule of policy are for late term abortion's, Republicans are not.
That will never change...
Why then do you think i would agree with you on funding Plan Parenthood ?
We as a rule we do not believe that Climate Change can be widely affected by Man.
Why then would we support the killing of fossil fuels that will lead to higher energy cost?
We believe that an "illegal alien" is just that, illegal .
Why then would we support sanctuary cities?
Barack Obama is not a bad person and is intellectually brilliant.
It's the Democratic Party and it's policies that we hate.
As posted by one on this board...
All that stuff you listed as bad was good???
And you wonder why you hate Republicans???