What is the job of SCOTUS? Is it to rule on cases brought before the court or to achieve their personal agendas?
After the recent decision on Roe, judge Thomas listed his agenda for what precedents he wants to review next.
He wants cases brought before the court so he can achieve his personal goals. This is the definition of judicial activism. But you hypocrites who have been crying about it for years will suddenly apply a different standard to these right wing radicals running SCOTUS. McConnell has ruined the SC forever now.
After the recent decision on Roe, judge Thomas listed his agenda for what precedents he wants to review next.
He wants cases brought before the court so he can achieve his personal goals. This is the definition of judicial activism. But you hypocrites who have been crying about it for years will suddenly apply a different standard to these right wing radicals running SCOTUS. McConnell has ruined the SC forever now.