Extortion and violence is Biden's America


New Member
Aug 31, 2020
Also shift funding away from the police because they're racist. By the way, all Americans are racists. Joe Biden

Sorry Joe, we see what happens in our cities and suburbs when Democrat Mayors and police won't do their job to stop Biden voters from burning down America.

Democrats enabled rioters for months. Now they're trying to blame Trump. Not an ounce of spine in any of them.

Vote for me or you will not be safe in America. Joe Biden

Re-electing Trump means more violence. Extortion Joe Biden.

You are not even answering questions Joe. Fake, fraud, back peddling and lying about fracking, lying, lying, lying.

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The whole city isn't ablaze =Trump is prone to over the top statements for effect. But they are rioting,looting and hurting people.

Joe Biden is actually threatening that if He isn't elected the violence will continue. That is the Leftist MoJo DoJo plan now. I fully expect the Left will continue on with this course of action if Trump is elected. That is all they got at this point.

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