Anyone that has taken cab ride's anywhere in this country understand's you will more than likely meet a non-anglo driver. I've taken oodles of cab ride's in New Orlean's, Chicago, New York, Boston, Philly, Dallas and Virginia. I nearly always take one ride or two with a Muslim. Most of the rides have been uneventful, but always a little uncomfortable. The wierd music, stoic, servicable, but I've had some pleasant conversations that leave me feeling there is hope for coexistence. What I know about the middle east is what I've read in books "The origins of the U.S. War on Terror", "A chance in hell", "Holiest Wars". "The secret history of the Iraq war" and popular books "American Sniper" and movies (books) like the "Hurt Locker" and "Lone Survivor". I had a childhood friend that lived in Saudi Arabia for 2 years, (father was in the oil business). He described the Saudi's as filthy animals that screwed sheeps and goats. My perception is also shaped by the news, it's never good.
My wife, rode with a Christian Ethiopian cab driver last night in Indiannapolis. He struck up a conversation with her about Muslim's, the terrorist situation in Paris and around the world. His remedy for the situation was serious, He said "America just need's get it over with, and drop 3 bombs, one in Syria, one in Iraq and Iran". He said, "you will find no Christians in any of these countries for they have fled or been slaughtered". (I have no idea if he's correct and frankly I don't want to know) He said, "Why would Uncle Sam allow them to come here to continue their war's?" He also went on a tirade about gay's and lesbians. My wife walked away thinking what a crazy nut-job she'd encountered.
After she told me this I started reading about Ethopian society, a predominantly Protestant population. Of course, there are lot's of report's that 35% minority Muslim population, is trying to impose Islam on the Christian majority.
Moral of the story, we live in the greatest country on earth, period. I don't know the right thing to do for America. I do know that the fact a Christian Ethiopian who's friggin nuts, and want's to bomb three countries into oblivion, is living is America, driving a cab, and is proof to what makes our country great. I pray for those in charge to make the right choices.
My wife, rode with a Christian Ethiopian cab driver last night in Indiannapolis. He struck up a conversation with her about Muslim's, the terrorist situation in Paris and around the world. His remedy for the situation was serious, He said "America just need's get it over with, and drop 3 bombs, one in Syria, one in Iraq and Iran". He said, "you will find no Christians in any of these countries for they have fled or been slaughtered". (I have no idea if he's correct and frankly I don't want to know) He said, "Why would Uncle Sam allow them to come here to continue their war's?" He also went on a tirade about gay's and lesbians. My wife walked away thinking what a crazy nut-job she'd encountered.
After she told me this I started reading about Ethopian society, a predominantly Protestant population. Of course, there are lot's of report's that 35% minority Muslim population, is trying to impose Islam on the Christian majority.
Moral of the story, we live in the greatest country on earth, period. I don't know the right thing to do for America. I do know that the fact a Christian Ethiopian who's friggin nuts, and want's to bomb three countries into oblivion, is living is America, driving a cab, and is proof to what makes our country great. I pray for those in charge to make the right choices.
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