Espn says Chiefs are releasing Hunt.....

Could have been taken care of earlier, I would say Hunt was hoping the video would not come out on Hunt. He was moving as slow as Hunt's catsup. Someone Hunted the video down and now both Hunts are hurting. On to you Mike.
Could have been taken care of earlier, I would say Hunt was hoping the video would not come out on Hunt. He was moving as slow as Hunt's catsup. Someone Hunted the video down and now both Hunts are hurting. On to you Mike.

For starters Hunts is Ketchup and never had been catsup.

As far as Hunt not sure if there are shenanigans going on or not. The league making him exempt makes it seems to me the fix is in. Maybe not but I'm thinking to stay ahead of the ME2 peeps who it seems most of their leaders seem to be Pervs getting caught lately, they have worked a deal out. I'm thinking he goes to classes over anger issues etc and is reunited with the CHIEFS next season. Yes there is a video, and yes he does push her and I guess you can call it a kick to her ass but it was pretty light. She in the video punches or slaps him first and word is was calling him the n word. I agree you don't put your hands on a woman but make no mistake this isn't a Ray Rice video. I think the exemption from the NFL was so no other teams could attempt to sign him.. Sucks for us CHIEF fans but damn why do these guys that have the world by the nuts put themselves in these positions, I just don't get it..

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