Strafford dropped to class 2 in Volleyball. The cutoff last year was like 254 so unless the cutoff jumped way up Strafford's enrollment must have dropped. That means they are probably staying class 3 in basketball.
It did go up. After looking at the numbers the cut off went from 254 to 296 in Volleyball. Strafford will still stay class 3 I think, but just barelyI thought maybe Strafford's enrollment would go up and they'd move to 4, but maybe not... 4 is weaker in SWMO than 3 is, at least right now on the girl's side
Strafford went form 264 to 278. The cutoff for basketball last year was around 275. The cutoff will probably go up though. It has in every other sport. Fair grove dropped from 284 to 274.If it went up by that much then I would expect them to move to 4 in basketball, they were very close to the cutoff line these last couple of seasons.