Also, am I wrong, didnt Terry Beckner Jr come to Mizzou as the #1 recruit in America? And he leaves as a 7th round pick? Great development Mizzou.
Also, am I wrong, didnt Terry Beckner Jr come to Mizzou as the #1 recruit in America? And he leaves as a 7th round pick? Great development Mizzou.
ignorant post is ignorant
Didnt realize he tore the second one.
Still, a disappointing result.
A disappointing draft for Mizzou.
Kentucky is now producing far more draftees.
Couple the injuries with the reality that he's a bit of a tweener and it should be no great surprise that he wasn't drafted super high.
Kentucky is recruiting more high end guys out of Ohio and Florida on a yearly basis.
Ohio/Florida recruits > Missouri/Illinois recruits.