Dropping like flies

What was he doing on the Woodrow Wilson High School campus? Q was right, dang liberal pedophiles.

This feels like a lot of smoke, like around WJC and HRC.
He is a corpse.
if you read that article, he didn't even work for the bank his dad did, he was an unemployed meth head who came into possession of bank documents when his dad died. He didn't blow the whistle on anyone he didn't know crap
if you read that article, he didn't even work for the bank his dad did, he was an unemployed meth head who came into possession of bank documents when his dad died. He didn't blow the whistle on anyone he didn't know crap
So you admit there are definitely bad goings on between Trump and Hitler’s/Putin’s bank. That’s progress.
Toots does have a prism like view of facts and data.....I sometimes wonder if he doesn't flirt in and out of basic reality. A drug addict film maker LOL...not surprising he is a source for the NYT oh this is RICH. A mentally impaired Drug addict who believes he is a film producer, Rock Musician, a thief, aligned with North Korea Hackers and a spy is being taken serious by a NYT reporter!!! Let that sink in...and of course he self admitted he wanted to get famous from these documents and has been dangling these so Not Forged and Faked documents for years!!!!!

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