Drexel Looking for Week 4 Game


Active Member
Aug 21, 2015
Drexel is looking for a possible week 4 (9/8/17) game for 2017. We are a Class 1 School about 45 minutes south of the KC Metro area. Would prefer for it to be a home game. Searching for this game as a result of another team dropping to 8-man for 2017. For information contact AD Philip Dean at or Head Coach Ryan Hoden at
I understand that numbers are hard to come by, but hell you have had recent Semi-Final & Conference Championship teams. Either some kids/parents didn't keep up their end of a promise to play and should be made aware of all the troubles their backsliding has caused their fellow conference communities OR Osceola's Administration is at best incompetent and at worst completely inconsiderate to their fellow Conference Schools. I'm leaning towards the latter. How do you NOT know if you can field a team or not until a month & change before the start of camp? "Hope is not a strategy" when it comes to administering a school. If they have a schedule of 8-Man games filled in come August we will know they sandbagged their decades old conference school partners. This is the beginning of the end of the WEMO, thanks Osceola! ps you always felt like the odd duck of the conference down their in the sticks
Well, if you kept up, they were talking the switch to 8 man back in the spring, the other schools should have been looking around because, when a school is talking about maybe going to 8 man they pretty much have made up their mind
I was told yesterday that their board just voted Monday to go to 8-man. I thought that back in the spring they voted to stay 11-man. So that could be why the WEMO teams didn't go looking. But they will all be scrambling now. Luckily Windsor was open, so we picked up Adrian. It will probably be hard for Osceola to find 8-man games, but maybe not.
I was told yesterday that their board just voted Monday to go to 8-man. I thought that back in the spring they voted to stay 11-man. So that could be why the WEMO teams didn't go looking. But they will all be scrambling now. Luckily Windsor was open, so we picked up Adrian. It will probably be hard for Osceola to find 8-man games, but maybe not.
We, Drexel, are certainly scrambling to find a week 4 opponent. For what it's worth, Osceola had already filled our week 4 spot with Greenfield, so it sounds like they were working on filling out an 8-man schedule before notifying the other WEMO schools.
With wentworth dropping football , most of the wemo teams could possibly pick up whoever the red dragons played. Don't know who they played the fourth week...
With wentworth dropping football , most of the wemo teams could possibly pick up whoever the red dragons played. Don't know who they played the fourth week...
Wentworth had Sweet Springs week 4...checked with SS, but since they knew a few months back that Wentworth was closing, they were able to pick up a week 4 opponent.
I think it's time for the WEMO to reevaluate. Perhaps it could grow into a different football conference and then grow into two divisions in basketball.
Osceola has gone 8-man, but how long will it be until Appleton City joins them. Then the conference is Drexel, Midway, Archie, Adrian, Rich Hill. It wasn't that long ago, it was a 10-team conference.
To me, I don't see the value proposition for Midway in playing basketball or volleyball on a Tuesday night in Lakeland or Osceola when they could play 15 other schools closer to their size probably an hour closer to home.
It will be interesting to see what the next decade brings for some of these schools. The ones along I-49 have the potential for growth. The others will likely stay stagnant or shrink.

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