Doc guys .....Forever!!

Cant See Fran Healy GIF by Travis
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Alright, gentlemen. My time has come. Summer hiatus can begin! I'll see you all on the other side. Have some fun and be safe. Bosko out!
Enjoy your hiatus, Bosko! I'll try my best to hold down the fort while the rest of the Doc Guys are gone. Here's to hoping a few more Doc Guys come back!
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Mox is now working for the Wannabes....The ring leader under the circus tent.
Which Mox? Fake or Real? Fake Mox is a Wannabe. The Real Mox is a Doc Guy.
For full context. Fake Mox and Real Mox have different joined dates, like and messages counts. Real Mox has the older joined date and higher like/message counts.
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