Divide and Middle Ground


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2001
Besides being a Huge sports fan I'm a Huge Movie buff....I have a Vast Blu Ray/DVD collection. I watch tons of Youtubers who follow the industry as well as the Video game industry(I no longer Play but follow it)

The channels I go to are HeelvsBabyface,Geeks and Gamers,Overlord DVD, Nerdrotic, Clownfishtv,Midnights edge and a few others.

The reason I'm bringing this up is outside of Geeks and Gamers almost all individuals on the shows lean left. They are not Trump supporters by any stretch of the imagination and they are upfront about that. Midnights edge and HeelvsBabyface are from across the pond.

But of late they are finding out they are not Left leaning enough for the Powers that be at Twitter or even Youtube. Because they don't always support the Gender/Race swapping of characters and the continued attack on White Males as being isims and ist in Games and in the movies they are now being lumped in with the Alt Right crowd...The point out that good story telling is being ignored as the creators now worship at the Alter of Forced Diversity and Political correctness and any dissent is met with accusations of Racism and bigotry.

Nerdrotic is Leaving San Fran for Texas, as he says they are going to far in their regulations of his wife's business....

I see most of these people as Left leaning...most say they are . But now they are even balking at the measures by Social media types in silencing anything that questions the party line.

They are starting to sound like ...moderates or conservatives. I don't expect them to vote for Trump this go around.....But if a moderate Republican is ran in the Next election could people of that mind set switch sides???
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All these Californians leaving for Texas will do nothing but turn Texas blue.

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