differences between the Mosports power poll and the media poll


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2002
There are several interesting differences between the Mosports Power Poll and the Media poll this week.

Class 6 - different order of teams and in the MOsports poll Lees Summit West takes the #10 spot over Eureka

Class 5 - different order - in the Mosports poll Nixa and Timberland take the spots of Liberty and Carthage

Class 4 - different order but same teams

Class 3 - Different order - in the Mosports Miller Career takes the #10 spot over John Burroughs

Class 2 - different order - in the Mosports poll - Lexington and South Callaway take over the #8 & #9 spots from Fair Grove and Lawson

Class 1 - different order - In moports poll - Monroe City and Crest Ridge take the #9 & #10 spots from East Buchanan and Thayer

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