I admire this post. Duck is truly concerned with his fellow man and wants to end these kinds of tragedies . I do as well.
However, none of the above listed remedies will have any effect on bad guys with guns. Background check is already in place, licensing and registration applies to law abiding citizens , ( not the people committing these acts). SGT is of no value because of the massive amount of guns already in circulation that do not require it.
I don't know the answer, I admit, but making it harder for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their loved ones is not the answer. I am open to discussion on this. Better gun laws going forward, more perimeter controls, tougher laws to keep bad people incarcerated? IDK
I appreciate Duck having a thoughtful post, versus posting tweets from nobodies.
BTW, SBT is still a troll who brings nothing to this board. He needs to get a job, other than helping his mommy clean the PBJ off the counter.