I've often wondered about the huge gulf between the Strong Willed American mindset of the Conservatives and independents in America and the hippy dippy view point of the Left Leaning Dem's mindset in America.
We already know that Dem's have more
So this could be a contributing factor in the whole scheme of things no doubt.
And now we know the Dems are also cowards and have no interest in Defending America and it's values..
In the poll 68% of Republicans said they would fight if invaded, 57% of independents but....Only 40% of Dem's said they would Remain and fight 52-60% said they would flee. I think that Poll says it all when it comes to the Dem's. Sad but not unexpected.
Now I'm at a cross roads if I want Canada to invade the U.S. to drive out 48 millionish Democratic voters to Mexico....Get 7 or 8 Canadian Mounties to invade let's say Montana make the announcement they have and watch the exodus of Electric Car driving ,Vegan/Peta supporting, Quadruple Masked and Octagonal Vaxed Dem's happen. Then we get the Mounties a couple of Cases of Molson Beer sign a peace agreement that states we will send them each 5 cases of Molson a week for the rest of their lives and all is well in America again.
We already know that Dem's have more

White liberals more likely to have a mental health condition
White liberals are more prone to mental health disorders than individuals who identify as conservative or moderates, according to a Pew Research Center survey.
So this could be a contributing factor in the whole scheme of things no doubt.
And now we know the Dems are also cowards and have no interest in Defending America and it's values..

Vast Majority Of Americans Say Ban Russian Oil, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Nearly 8 In 10 Support U.S. Military Response If Putin Attacks A NATO Country | Quinnipiac University Poll
"Americans are ready to put a chokehold on Russia's key financial lifeblood, oil, no matter what the consequences are at the pump," said Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Tim Malloy.
In the poll 68% of Republicans said they would fight if invaded, 57% of independents but....Only 40% of Dem's said they would Remain and fight 52-60% said they would flee. I think that Poll says it all when it comes to the Dem's. Sad but not unexpected.
Now I'm at a cross roads if I want Canada to invade the U.S. to drive out 48 millionish Democratic voters to Mexico....Get 7 or 8 Canadian Mounties to invade let's say Montana make the announcement they have and watch the exodus of Electric Car driving ,Vegan/Peta supporting, Quadruple Masked and Octagonal Vaxed Dem's happen. Then we get the Mounties a couple of Cases of Molson Beer sign a peace agreement that states we will send them each 5 cases of Molson a week for the rest of their lives and all is well in America again.