Dems add two more to field


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2019
So Deval Patrick ( Obama friend) and billionair Michael Bloomberg have both jumped into democratic race just 3 months before primaries

These two guys really put the screws to Biden if they stay in the race. Biden just lost most of the black vote he has been counting on, and some of the conservative wing of the Democratic Party,,,Sleepy Joe is DOA

Dems have not a single electable candidate
Don't count out Bloomberg. I am stealing this from Scaramucci, but he is richer than Trump, he is a New Yorker, so the insults don't bother him. He doesn't have the financial and business skeletons that Trump does. That could be a very interesting general matchup.
No one is going to vote for either of these guys. I don't get what they are thinking.
Patrick is hanging his hope on the VP slot on some old white guys ticket to get some racial diversity I would bet.

Bloomberg can burn up his own money but Unless Patrick has a crapload of campaign money somewhere I don’t see where the necessary cash comes from

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