Covid in Florida High school


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
The district's Covid-19 tracker says as of Monday evening, 804 students and 437 employees have tested positive for coronavirus since August 2. A total of 467 new cases were reported Monday alone.

This isn't going to end well.
Well having the C19 so far for the low at risk hasn't been a death sentence. 0.00%-0.22% for the Children.

Getting the C19 and it being devastating are two totally different aspects of the situation. Death rates are what matter, having a recoverable case of the Virus is not a issue at all.

As long as the people from Florida are fine with the policies then I think everyone should respect their wishes. The fully available to those who want it. If they choose not to then that is on them.

Also Biden is taking the Brunt of the publics ire......just check out the latest opinion polls of independents.
Well having the C19 so far for the low at risk hasn't been a death sentence. 0.00%-0.22% for the Children.

Getting the C19 and it being devastating are two totally different aspects of the situation. Death rates are what matter, having a recoverable case of the Virus is not a issue at all.

As long as the people from Florida are fine with the policies then I think everyone should respect their wishes. The fully available to those who want it. If they choose not to then that is on them.

Also Biden is taking the Brunt of the publics ire......just check out the latest opinion polls of independents.
You still don't get it! When you get it a lot of people don't just get over and move on. This thang has bad affects on many people LONG after they have 'recovered' from it. You no longer have the argument about young people and kids not getting it or not going in the hospital with it. LOTS of young folks and kids have been in the hospital with this variant and we have no idea how it will affect the rest of their lives.
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I get is a risk. People make choices. And they should be allowed to make those choices. If it has lasting effects so be it. But life must go on and individuals must be allowed to chart and control their own lives. And again the Risk are not overly great and as you stated we have zero data on the long term effects or lack there off. Just speculation and even if they are bad, people still get to make choices.

Your concern should be for your family and yourself. Not everyone else's family. Meddling and trying to control the freedoms and choices of others is not your or my concern.

I have freely admitted not getting the vax is not logical but if others believe that getting it is a infringement and over reach and dangerous for them and their family their wishes should be respected.

You on the other hand seem emotionally invested in pushing your beliefs and moral view point on others in a free society. The very idea that the gov. or a mob should have influence and control over other peoples choices, family and individual rights is not American in the least.
I get is a risk. People make choices. And they should be allowed to make those choices. If it has lasting effects so be it. But life must go on and individuals must be allowed to chart and control their own lives. And again the Risk are not overly great and as you stated we have zero data on the long term effects or lack there off. Just speculation and even if they are bad, people still get to make choices.

Your concern should be for your family and yourself. Not everyone else's family. Meddling and trying to control the freedoms and choices of others is not your or my concern.

I have freely admitted not getting the vax is not logical but if others believe that getting it is a infringement and over reach and dangerous for them and their family their wishes should be respected.

You on the other hand seem emotionally invested in pushing your beliefs and moral view point on others in a free society. The very idea that the gov. or a mob should have influence and control over other peoples choices, family and individual rights is not American in the least.
Like I have said many times, it ain't all about 'you' when you can give someone else a possibly deadly virus because you don't want your rights violated. The government has protected the rights/health of many from those who won't cooperate on their own.
Like I have said many times, it ain't all about 'you' when you can give someone else a possibly deadly virus because you don't want your rights violated. The government has protected the rights/health of many from those who won't cooperate on their own.
Really as I said you do know that the Vaxed can expose others, and that if you have the Vax then you should be protected from a lethal case of the Covid. So again we are right back to the only people in danger of dying from the C19 or even having long term effects from surviving it are the unvaxed. Children still are not dying from the Delta at a increased rate. And we don't know the long term effects of the Vax on children either.

This is about your view point and desired for others to capitulate to your moral authority. Because logically your reasoning makes no sense.

1) Vax protects you from dying from virus and minimizes chance of getting it from those who have it.
2) Vax can still get virus and spread it, so Vax isn't 100% full proof not even close.
3) Children are at low risk of getting it and even at a lower risk of having any effects from it.
4) The only people at risk are those not getting the Vax.
5) 3RFAN is a authoritarian and complicit with the Gov. infringing on the Rights of others.
Really as I said you do know that the Vaxed can expose others, and that if you have the Vax then you should be protected from a lethal case of the Covid. So again we are right back to the only people in danger of dying from the C19 or even having long term effects from surviving it are the unvaxed. Children still are not dying from the Delta at a increased rate. And we don't know the long term effects of the Vax on children either.

This is about your view point and desired for others to capitulate to your moral authority. Because logically your reasoning makes no sense.

1) Vax protects you from dying from virus and minimizes chance of getting it from those who have it.
2) Vax can still get virus and spread it, so Vax isn't 100% full proof not even close.
3) Children are at low risk of getting it and even at a lower risk of having any effects from it.
4) The only people at risk are those not getting the Vax.
5) 3RFAN is a authoritarian and complicit with the Gov. infringing on the Rights of others.
You surely do not think vaxed people are passing this on at anywhere near the rate of the untaxed. You obviously don't watch ANY news because the doctors nd people that run hospitals are talking about how bad Delta is on kids and yes they are dying from it too. You seem to think it's ok if the death rate is not 50%. Since you're so big on percentages maybe you can tell us why the seriously ill and those dying from it now is about 99? UNVAXED people.
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You surely do not think taxed people are passing this on at anywhere near the rate of the untaxed. You obviously don't watch ANY news because the doctors nd people that run hospitals are talking about how bad Delta is on kids and yes they are dying from it too. You seem to think it's ok if the death rate is not 50%. Since you're so big on percentages maybe you can tell us why the seriously ill and those dying from it now is about 99? UNVAXED people.
I never at any point stated that the Vaxed spread the virus at the same rate as the unvaxed. But they can and do spread it and not showing symptoms have lead some researchers to believe that they can infect more people because they don't know they are spreading it and they have more contact with people because of this. More research has to be done on this as it is possible. The infected Vaxed could be like Trojan Horses. A study done by Yale in Province town Mass. out break at a gathering over the 4th of July had a cluster of 470 cases 3/4 of those infected had been vaxed. The CDC reports that even those who are vaxed carry a tremendous amounts of the virus in their nose and throats and can clearly spread the virus with no symptoms.

And Nope I don't watch a lot of the News and I might listen to Press releases from Doctors and Hospital Administrators but know full well that it is Lies and Propaganda they put forth in a lot of's Called PR for a reason. I work in that system and I know with out a doubt how half truths, lies and such are put forth to the public.

Instead I get my sources from Researchers and mathematical data .....and then form my own opinion. I will continue to do that, you can continue to watch the propaganda and soak in the ideology they want you to kneel to.

The data clearly says that unvaxed people are at a greater risk. I don't dispute that. I clearly support people getting the vax. I again draw the line at forced Vaccinations and Vax Pass ports.

And yes if people want to roll the dice and not get Vaxed and they die from it, then it's not my concern, I don't care what the Death rate is. I will not and shall not infringe on another's right to live his or her life free and with liberty. Clearly you have no such problem with denying a person's basic human right of control over their own person and body. I do no care what the percentage rate of death is if a person does not want to inject something into his/her person then that person should not have that injected into them by force of the gov.

You and your like minded brethren have the same psychological make up of many of the historical and current history's authoritarian figures. Always oppressing others with your Moral beliefs and Ideas in the guise of doing what is best for them. When actually it is nothing more than petty control.

I ask why are you so concerned with and want to control and dominate the lives of others? Because if you are vaxed and thus your risk is near zero of harm and their not vaxing doesn't effect you or your health and it will only effect them, why are you so invested in making them conform to your idea's and desires?
You still don't get it!!! This is not about ME or YOU, it's about common sense and decency. The government restricts many parts of our lives when it's for the common good. Most people say it should be left up to LOCAL officials and school boards that are elected by the people they represent to decide what should be done in their town or schools. Governors should not stick their nose in it. Since when are you so-called conservatives against that? I've heard of no one stopping people from buying horse medicine to try to treat themselves for covid, but any doctor I've heard speak on the subject says if you don't have 4 legs just don't!
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I have common sense and clearly come up short in that area....I post massive amounts of researched links to actual studies. Some peer reviewed others not. But still they are all based on actual data and factors.

You post emotional and personal beliefs. Again your version of Common Decency is your own Personal moral code. I support you living your life as you see fit, get vaxed, wear 10 masks, self quarantine all you want. But Don't expect others to fall in line with your beliefs. They don't want the vax. They don't want to wear a mask and they don't want to Quarantine. And they are not a RISK to those who are vax, quarantine and wear a mask.....Not even the children. Get back to be when we even hit 2% of children dying from the Covid and you have data that is hard core that they all got it from the unvaxed and unmasked.

You base your view points on nothing but emotional feelings. NO conservative is trying to stop anyone from getting vaxed or wearing a mask. Nope conservatives are just supporting the rights of all to do either....get it, wear it or don't get it or don't wear it.

I get it you have a lot of fear, your scared and worried and you want to the Gov. to do your bidding and force people to do what you want in a controlling manner because you think you are going to fix a problem and make you and yours safe.

Sorry It doesn't work that way. People can and do live free. I understand that you put your beliefs and ideas above the beliefs and ideas of your fellow citizens. You want to force others to adopt your Moral Authority and Moral compass.

Thank goodness we live in a Free society and people like you are somewhat kept at bay.

Also the whole rant about Ivermectin didn't make sense? Or the whole local control part either? Most conservatives support local control over most issues....that are not of National importance.... such as Immigration, National defense, Space program, agriculture, and the rights of individuals ie.....the Constitution is a hardcore fundamental corner stone of our country not open for interpretation.

The whole Vax issue and masking issue is a individual issue at it's core. I have zero issue with a business requiring a mask.....or even a gov. building requiring a mask....or not. The issue is enforcement and punishment. Really in a free society all you can do when the threat is not imminent is do what we are doing now.

You don't like it but that is the price you must pay for a free and just society.

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