Congratulations Harrisonville!!! This is what High School football SHOULD be.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2007
Certainly impressed with the Harrisonville staff and community, but equally impressed with the Parkway North staff on crafting such a well written reply. Well done all around.
Agreed. Very classy of Parkway North. Many programs would not think of doing this at all, others would consider it but not go to the effort, for PNH to not only send this, but do it as quickly as they did after a tough loss, is very impressive. This is why I love high school football.
As you know I administrate the website for Harrisonville Wildcats Football. I also administrate the Harrisonville Wildcats Football on Facebook, as well as the HvilleWildcatFB on Twitter account. Before Saturday's game in the press box I was able to talk with one of Parkway North's assistant coaches. He was the son of Parkway North head coach Bob Bunton. He also administrates the Twitter account for their football team. He couldn't have been a nicer guy. I have seen throughout my time helping out that egos become inflated prior to games by the adults involved. From coaches to fans. In the end it will be the young men that represent our school's that will settle the game on the field. It was refreshing to just have a cordial conversation without posturing and drama. Parkway North even brought us several copies of their press guide. Which was fantastic and very professionally done I might add. Parkway North is a very classy operation. Bob Bunton runs a great program.
My cousin is a retired administrator from PN posted this on FB:

We attended the semi-final game in Harrisonville yesterday. Parkway North lost, but the sportsmanship on both sides was exceptional, and the Harrisonville hospitality couldn't have been better. Our nation's leaders would do well to take a lesson from this. If you have time, please read the letter from Activities Director Kris Kellams.
I wasn't ever going to blog again since I was so wrong about Parkway North but
Coach Bunton being a friend of mine and knowing what a class act he is and the
type of program he runs I am very happy for Harrisonville , it sounds like they have
a tremendous community. I wish them the best in the championship game. I watched
the game on line and Harrisonville was better. No body not even Kirk wood moved the
ball on North like harrionsville did. They blocked the down guys from North like no
one else did they also got to the Middle Line backer who is a great player. So hats off
to harrionsville they are very good and play with great honor. I didn't want to accept that
class 4 in St. Louis area is not near as competitive as the rest of the state, but facts speak
for their selves. Class 6, 5 and 3 is where we at least compete. Class 4 , 2 we don't have class
1 schools is where we are totally out classed. Someone will say how about Trinity vs Lamar
Lamar will win by 21.
NWalls the great thing about being an American is the right to free speech. Never take that for granted. Plus you stood up and said your opinions were proven wrong. That is commendable.
Thanks guys appreciate it I think Coach Bunton being a friend took away my objectivity
I do feel like I approached Trinity with what I saw but haven't seen Lamar accept last year
on line, they are amazing. They run their offense to precision and they are so strong. Don't
see anyway Trinity can beat them.
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Thanks guys appreciate it I think Coach Bunton being a friend took away my objectivity
I do feel like I approached Trinity with what I saw but haven't seen Lamar accept last year
on line, they are amazing. They run their offense to precision and they are so strong. Don't
see anyway Trinity can beat them.
I respect you a lot for eating it and owning that you were wrong. Most people can't do that, even with the result PN was much better than I had thought

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