I wasn't ever going to blog again since I was so wrong about Parkway North but
Coach Bunton being a friend of mine and knowing what a class act he is and the
type of program he runs I am very happy for Harrisonville , it sounds like they have
a tremendous community. I wish them the best in the championship game. I watched
the game on line and Harrisonville was better. No body not even Kirk wood moved the
ball on North like harrionsville did. They blocked the down guys from North like no
one else did they also got to the Middle Line backer who is a great player. So hats off
to harrionsville they are very good and play with great honor. I didn't want to accept that
class 4 in St. Louis area is not near as competitive as the rest of the state, but facts speak
for their selves. Class 6, 5 and 3 is where we at least compete. Class 4 , 2 we don't have class
1 schools is where we are totally out classed. Someone will say how about Trinity vs Lamar
Lamar will win by 21.