Combining the Class 4 district coaches and the NBCA panel " The predicted winners are "


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Class 4--The coaches in each district have voted, the NBCA panel have voted. If we combine the coaches and the NBCA panel, we have a predicted state champion.

-----------Sectionals--------------------Quarters-------semi-Finals----------Championship game

District 1-Sikeston-------22-0------# 1 Sikeston-----# 1 Sikeston--------- #1Sikeston
District 2-Farmington---22-2

District 3-Hillsboro------20-4-------# 9 Hillsboro
District 4-St. Mary's----11-12

District 5-Ladue---------15-7
District 6-Jennings-----14-7-------# 6 Jennings-----# 6 Jennings
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Class 4 State Champions----Sikeston
District 7- McCluer------15-7
District 8-Hannibal------15-7-------# 11-Hannibal

District 9--Warrensburg 19-3-------# 8-Warrensburg-
District 10-Rolla---------15-7

District 11-Logan-Rog--18-5--------# 7-Logan-Rog---# 7 Logan Rog
District 12- Webb City--13-8

District 13-Grandview--20-2--------# 2-Grandview----# 2 Grandview------# 2 Grandview
District 14-Raytown S--14-8

District 15-Southeast---20-4--------# 5-Southeast
District 16-St. Joe-Laf--15-7

If you believe the District coaches and the NBCA panel----Sikeston defeats Grandview for the class 4 state championship and Jennings defeats Logan-Rog for third place.

We usually have 2-3 upset winners in district play. Who do you see getting upset in district play, if any?
Gonna be hard for us to beat Cape 3 times especially on their home court but if we make it out of our district I like our chances
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