If any coaches are interested in traveling and coaching overseas in Europe this summer with a group called People to People, there will be informational meetings at the following locations. If you would like more information contact Scott Vanscoy at the following e-mail address: vanscoyscott@spokane.k12.mo.us. You must have your teaching certification, experience in the coaching field and travel experience is a plus.
MO-Springfield Area 1/24/2007 7:30 Hillcrest High School
MO-Columbia Area 1/25/2007 7:30 University of MO-Colombia
MO-St. Louis South 1/27/2007 11:00 Affton High School
MO-St. Louis North 1/27/2007 1:00 Affton High School
IL-Southern Illinois 1/28/2007 1:00 Collinsville High School
Coach Vanscoy
MO-Springfield Area 1/24/2007 7:30 Hillcrest High School
MO-Columbia Area 1/25/2007 7:30 University of MO-Colombia
MO-St. Louis South 1/27/2007 11:00 Affton High School
MO-St. Louis North 1/27/2007 1:00 Affton High School
IL-Southern Illinois 1/28/2007 1:00 Collinsville High School
Coach Vanscoy