Citizens get Clay Co. Health Commissioner to cave. Fall Sports can proceed.


The medical people acquiesced ("caved") when being shouted down by non-medical people. Maybe that's a good thing; but maybe they should've listened to their medical leadership.
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Newsflash. The people spoke. The data is true. The libtard Commissioner caved. Fall sports can proceed in Clay County.
Sort of. The Clay County health dept. came up with 2 alternative options.

1. Move fall sports to spring
2. Fall contacy sport athletes must enroll in virtual classes
3. Fall sports proceed as normal.

The Clay Countu health dept. is leaving it up to the school districts on how to proceed.
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The medical people acquiesced ("caved") when being shouted down by non-medical people. Maybe that's a good thing; but maybe they should've listened to their medical leadership.

He is shouted down with the data, the facts, the voices of many physicians. The fact that Liberty Hospital only has less than 10 COVID cases and no one on vents. The fact that <3% of the total deaths from Covid are people under 45. The fact that the death rate for <19 from Covid is 0.%. Yeah, other than that...
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Meanwhile, the entire Blue Valley West football team is now in quarantine. Going to be a long season, if any season at all.
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the leader of the clay county health commission used to be nurse now owns owns a mini golf course.

she is a health official in title only.

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