Christie - The Donald

Bogey Man

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2004
Surprised no hoopla on here for Christie and Trump officially announcing candidacy for Pres. Heard the Donald is polling second in New Hampshire. Apparently Turnpikegate was enough to put the chill on Christie. I kind of like the guy. Have to admire any politician who tells it like it is instead of sound bites. It's been a long time since I voted for a Rep for Pres. I am willing to listen to Christie's platform. Sorry, but see the Donald as a egomaniac.
Surprised no hoopla on here for Christie and Trump officially announcing candidacy for Pres. Heard the Donald is polling second in New Hampshire. Apparently Turnpikegate was enough to put the chill on Christie. I kind of like the guy. Have to admire any politician who tells it like it is instead of sound bites. It's been a long time since I voted for a Rep for Pres. I am willing to listen to Christie's platform. Sorry, but see the Donald as a egomaniac.

I am all in for the Donald. If he drops out I'm leaning Christie. These guys have no shot and no business even running. So I support them 100%. I just want to see Donald on stage for the debates. What a marvelous spectacle that will be.
Have to agree with NM. Too many things have gone wrong for Christie the last 4 years including his policies getting his state down graded and many other things he won't be able to hide from. Not to mention making nice with Obama after the hurricane!
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