One thing a lot of people fail to realize is when a kid is in high school, he has to listen to his parents. That's the way that he gets money, food and that's your authority figure, anyway. When you're in high school, you have to rely on these people to exist. When you go to college, you have to rely on your coaches and your professors. If you don't listen, you don't have a scholarship. You can't eat. You can't be successful and you can't exist.
As soon as they're done with college, all of the sudden now they have yes-men in their ears, everywhere they look, whether it's a bad agent, a financial adviser, whoever it is, offering them money and telling them how great they are. All the sudden they have no accountability to anybody. Everyone is telling them how great they are, offering them money, getting them a new car, whatever. For the first time in their life they don't have to answer to anyone.
Everyone talks about the money, but really it's the first time that these guys are actually free to do whatever they want without any accountability. When people wonder why, "Well, this guy had it together in college and now he doesn't," it's because a player's coaches did a really good job of keeping them from [expletive] up when they were in school.
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