Can leftist Led Cities make up their minds??


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2001
Defund the Police and be soft on Crime was the Norm de jure now they want to toughen up on retail crime?

Come of You rich Folks what's a little snatch and grab to your Million and Billion dollar bottom lines? Let the poor Criminals just trying to feed their families and make a go...get some free stuff of the Sweat of your Labors and investments!! It's the Democrat mantra..

Course now he Mayor wants to get tough on crime...but dancing without a Mask seems to take up a lot of her time. Dem's gonna Dem...

When will Biden appoint her to his Staff I wonder? I mean with strong words on crime....but soft as pillow policies that let criminals on the streets to kill the elderly she would fit right in!

And of course she has a in to the Biden camp....I mean her idea's of finger painting and playing the Lute to fix the ill's that plague us will without a doubt appeal to Biden and his staff.

Before you laugh to loud as it not being possible...

She clearly is on the short list.....
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Defund the Police and be soft on Crime was the Norm de jure now they want to toughen up on retail crime?

Come of You rich Folks what's a little snatch and grab to your Million and Billion dollar bottom lines? Let the poor Criminals just trying to feed their families and make a go...get some free stuff of the Sweat of your Labors and investments!! It's the Democrat mantra..

Course now he Mayor wants to get tough on crime...but dancing without a Mask seems to take up a lot of her time. Dem's gonna Dem...

When will Biden appoint her to his Staff I wonder? I mean with strong words on crime....but soft as pillow policies that let criminals on the streets to kill the elderly she would fit right in!

And of course she has a in to the Biden camp....I mean her idea's of finger painting and playing the Lute to fix the ill's that plague us will without a doubt appeal to Biden and his staff.

Before you laugh to loud as it not being possible...

She clearly is on the short list.....
Do you ever do anything but look up crap to most on here? I thought you have real job?
It takes minutes to look stuff up read it, post it and link it. Does getting information handed to you on a platter get under your skin and upset you? Why would it? Seems like a strange response because any good natured person with a open mind would be thankful to get information gifted to them but instead you sling out a demeaning statement and suggest I'm unprofessional. You seem to be one bitter fellow with a lot of emotional bent up anger. Maybe message board interaction and open discussion isn't really for you. It appears you just want to operate in a echo chamber and to only engage with people who mirror your beliefs.
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It takes minutes to look stuff up read it, post it and link it. Does getting information handed to you on a platter get under your skin and upset you? Why would it? Seems like a strange response because any good natured person with a open mind would be thankful to get information gifted to them but instead you sling out a demeaning statement and suggest I'm unprofessional. You seem to be one bitter fellow with a lot of emotional bent up anger. Maybe message board interaction and open discussion isn't really for you. It appears you just want to operate in a echo chamber and to only engage with people who mirror your beliefs.
Says the guy that posts a book for a reply to almost anything and does it all hours of the day and night. :rolleyes:
I type fast.....63 words a minute with one to three mistakes, last time I tested in college, but do suspect it has declined as I have aged. So it doesn't take long to pound out a longer post

I don't require a lot of sleep either 4-5 hours, so again I don't see what your point is other than to try and belittle my in-depth, fact filled, receipt provided rebuttals and post's.
I type fast.....63 words a minute with one to three mistakes, last time I tested in college, but do suspect it has declined as I have aged. So it doesn't take long to pound out a longer post

I don't require a lot of sleep either 4-5 hours, so again I don't see what your point is other than to try and belittle my in-depth, fact filled, receipt provided rebuttals and post's.
Says the guy that has NO idea when use 'an' and instead of 'a'. Now you can tell me again how that doesn't have anything to do with your intelligence or IQ. :rolleyes:
What the heck is this receipt you keep talking about? Ain't that what you get from the cashier at Walmart?
As I said I'm typing fast and I'm not going to proof read or Spell check a message board post. And it's a simple google away how Spelling and Grammar are not a indication of IQ or intelligence. But if you find great pleasure in pointing out my Grammar shortcomings, First you might not want to use Ain't in your post ..... And I guess I could point out how you didn't realize that the President signed any mandatory/entitlement bill that could not be changed without 60 votes from the Senate and that the President does put forth a Budget every Feb. ...all basic Civics stuff from and American Government class from junior high.

Receipts are the Links that back up my post....the proof, evidence aka receipts.
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As I said I'm typing fast and I'm not going to proof read or Spell check a message board post. And it's a simple google away how Spelling and Grammar are not a indication of IQ or intelligence. But if you find great pleasure in pointing out my Grammar shortcomings, First you might not want to use Ain't in your post ..... And I guess I could point out how you didn't realize that the President signed any mandatory/entitlement bill that could not be changed without 60 votes from the Senate and that the President does put forth a Budget every Feb. ...all basic Civics stuff from and American Government class from junior high.

Receipts are the Links that back up my post....the proof, evidence aka receipts.
It ain't because you type fast when you do it EVERYTIME. Heck you take the time to put a capital letter at the beginning of words where it makes no sense and claim it's to show you want to stress that word yet it takes more time to do so. I'm pretty sure you don't credit for typing a lot of words per minute if you don't the get the words right. A receipt is something I get at the grocery or hardware store and they don't prove a point for anything.
It ain't because you type fast when you do it EVERYTIME. Heck you take the time to put a capital letter at the beginning of words where it makes no sense and claim it's to show you want to stress that word yet it takes more time to do so. I'm pretty sure you don't credit for typing a lot of words per minute if you don't the get the words right. A receipt is something I get at the grocery or hardware store and they don't prove a point for anything.
Again stop using ain''s not a do it a lot. I explained Why I put a Capital letter on certain WORDS ....IT'S LIKE WHEN PEOPLE USE ALL CAP'S. Can't help it if you don't have the acumen to understand why it's done. That is clearly on you.
ALSO it takes no time to use a pinky finger to hit the shift key if you are moderately competent at typing, in fact it shouldn't take any extra time at all, hitting a shift key takes less than a micro second. Using it is no different than using any other key on the key board.....I mean that is unless you type with two fingers or really can't type. Which since you think it's a chore to do so I can deduce your typing skills are not much different than your deduction skills. Or your geometric thinking acuity.

A receipt Proves that YOU purchased a is a receipt.

Maybe modernize your vocabulary instead of looking unaware of how the English language is fluid and changes....hence the reason that it is the Language of the World.

And I will admit I very well at a subconscious level could transpose an and a.....a lot. It is probably a grammatical habit. Not unlike your use of the word Ain't on a continued bases. A much bigger transgression if a person is being a arsehole Grammar Nazi. Which again is the last bastion of someone who has No footing in a debate or discourse. It really exposes those who lack the astuteness to keep up.

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