It appears to be just like the idiots that went out to 'save' bundy the deadbeat.Originally posted by Drop.Tine:
All I can think of is Forrest Gump "I'm sorry I had a fight in the middle of your black panther paaarta"
Yuuuup I've heard the same. Brother said the County guys were coming in all day at his work looking beat down. There's a reason the family is having a second autopsy performed.Originally posted by Duck_walk:
I talked to a cop who has worked up there the last two nights and he said
"The story the cops are telling is that the kid was shot three times, all inside the car
and the cop has a broken jaw and a swollen shut eye from the altercation in the car
in which the suspect tried to grab his weapon, but that is coming from the cops"
his words
Dang you are one cop hating son-of-a-gun.Originally posted by Bogey Man:
Big surprise - cops sticking to one of their own's story. If the cop sustained injuries and would substanciate the assault claim, I would think that story would have made the news by now.
Ofcourse there are dirty cops, that's everywhere. They're in the minority. If you get time you need to watch Chris Browns guide to not getting arrested, it's pretty funny.Originally posted by Bogey Man:
I won't lump them all together but how many reports has there been in recent years of crooked cops in St. Louis? I see lots of cops on power trips as well. And the proverbial "Blue Wall" does exist.
Seriously, a broken jaw and facial bruising, and the media isn't reporting it!!!