What is going on at Bismarck? Fire the coach right now! Who do they think they are going to hire? Did the coach do something wrong between april and now? It sounds like a bad case of small town BS.
In the small schools 2-3 sets of parents can get anything they want changed if they have the pull. It's ruining athletics at that level and hurting education too for all the time spent arguing about coaching. And when most school board members constantly hold illegal conversations about these things outside of closed session and never get held accountable, it's no surprise these types of things are able to occur.
I am still confused about when is it time to get rid of a coach? I know that not everyone likes every coach. I just don't get some of the firings that happen with coaches.
Coach Rice got a bad deal plain and simple. he was doing everything he could to improve the program. I have known Cory for a long time and he has said nothing about Bismarck except good things even after the way they have treated him. I hope they reconsider and give him back the job. I know many of you say who in their right mind would take the job back. I believe Cory does have the best interest of the kids in mind and I think he would continue to work hard for Bismarck even after this. I don't know if they will give him back the job but I agree they made a mistake at this late date for all. I don't normally get involved in these kind of conversations. Being a coach myself since 1982 I can't tell you how many times I have seen small town politics ruin a program. But it's a problem you see over and over again. When you have 7 people that can be influenced and not have to answer to anyone theses are the problems you face. Making everyone happy is impossible, making the right people happy is playing the game. Doing what is the best in the interest of your kids and team is a most difficult task. I wish all young coaches the best of luck in this endeavor.
Well said Coach. I just see it year after year. Schools get rid of great people that are coaching. These people that are out there giving there heart and soul to the district and to the kids they coach. Coaching is a great thing and to all the good coaches out there keep doing what you do.
One of the single most entertaining guys MO high school basketball has ever seen. Tom is a quality dude and coach. Was head at Meadow Heights and at Viburnum, iirc. And maybe the last guy I've ever played golf with that carries a butter knife and just absolutely stripes it. Granted, that was 15+ years ago.
Fwiw, sounds like Coach Rice got a raw deal at Bismarck. Thought the interview with Greg was really nice. Coach Rice showed a ton of professionalism in the midst of an obviously tough situation. And a truckload of care and compassion for the kids and the program. Hard to imagine they (the Bismarck BOE) could so easily dismiss someone like that there. Just shows what the coaching profession has become. This story has been replayed far too many times in recent years.
Side note...I've been gone from the area for quite a while, so I've completely lost touch. But I thought I remembered reading Greg Alan had left the Parkland? Did he return, or am I totally wrong about that. LOVE what that guy has brought to HS sports in the area. Not many guys treat that job the way he does.