No I know and my GF knows even more so as well....since the 60's we have provided almost all the basic needs through the gov. First in commodities,Food stamps then EBT, AFDC,Medicaid,healthcare through the ER's,Futures programs, Section 8 housing etc. And I'm not even tallying in the Private Food banks, churches and other charities either.
Working 60 to 80 hours a week even at Minimum wage is enough to put food on the table and roof over a persons head....Buy Bulk food,don't buy processed frozen food,soda,chips, Deli meat form the Deli counter,stop buying liquor,Cigs/drugs with the cash they have, Do without cable,Cell phones,computers,netflix etc buy 2nd hand clothing, take public transportation. How do you explain the obesity rate among the Poor..and Don't say that the food that they can afford is fating and unhealthy.....because nothing is more unhealthy and expensive than the PrePackaged meals and Junk food that they purchase washed down with Mtn.Dew. They make Poor choices. They don't buy Canned veg. or Canned fruit,they don't buy cheap Chuck hamburger in bulk, or use their money wisely in anyway.
They Destroy and run down Section 8 houses, they abuse the Medical system because it's free to them driving up the cost to everyone.
The issue is that people feel entitled to a certain level of lifestyle in America. Which is complete BS. The Left has entitled them based on emotion and not data. I worked in this Field as a Income Maintenance worker for years,My dad as well, and my GF family was on public assistance until she went to college. And as she said they always had money for Drugs,Liquor of even going on vacations....but they expected other things from the Gov.
Don't be so naive if the Poor actually did what was right they would quickly exit out of poverty. But once you provide a nice easy lifestyle free of responsibility then it becomes away of life.