Biggest Factor...


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
We have known for a while about, how private schools will be factored this next year and have known about extra classes being added. Media reports kind of brought it to the forefront the past few days...

But one big factor they are leaving out and one that will make it hard to accurately figure classes, is... How many schools are going to drop to 8 man, or even decide to co-op? Until we know that there is really no way to figure it....

Assuming they are still going to take the largest 32 and make them Class 6, the smallest 64 to Class 1 and then try to equally divide the others (assuming they can do so and not make the largest school more than double the enrollment of the smallest school in any particular class)

One other thing that could take place in this crazy time we are going through,,, Why if a school or two (large or otherwise) decides not to field a team or just feel they cant. Just a few could change the numbers drastically.
That is why districts/classes will not be released until 2 weeks into the season.
I think the biggest factor will be if St. Louis City and County will be able to play.
Do you think if St Louis area and possibly KC area don’t play the rest of the state will? Especially watching southwest area blow up right now? I know some schools are padded up and going at it, but that’s not what most of us are doing. I don’t think we’ll play if numbers keep rising like they are.
That is why districts/classes will not be released until 2 weeks into the season.
I think the biggest factor will be if St. Louis City and County will be able to play.
They are going to be releasing just like they have been. The week before the actual season starts. (two weeks after practices begin)
We meant they same thing. I counted the season as the 1st day of practice.
However, the 20-21 football manual is not yet out.
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Another thing they may have to look at is if a team is low on #'s or loses a few kids due to a positive diagnosis, would mshsaa consider looseing the 6 quarter restriction (only allowed 6 quarters a week) so some jv kids could still play monday night and fill roles on friday night without being penalized?
My school has about 45 kids out from what I heard, 20 of them perfect attendance in the weight room, so we SHOULD be ok. But the question remains for the rest of our conference which as 2 class 1 schools in it and only 1 class 3 (SCA)
The SCA at one time had class 1 through 5 schools. My guess is they won't change the 6 quarter rule. Have to decide if you want jv more than varsity.

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