I am starting to buy into the whole redistribution of wealth idea. We are the richest nation in the history of mankind, yet the gap between the rich and the middle class continues to grow larger. It's hard to conceive that the richest one half of 1% own 90% of our wealth. Our laws are designed to keep that wealth in the hands of the rich. The Walmart heirs are wealthier than 46% of the population combined. How much money do the Waltons and Kochs need? You may say they earned it, but it was on the backs of the middle class. And you may say that is socialism, but it is our society that made them rich. Yes, I find the perpetual welfare recipients appalling and disgusting, but I do believe that the great majority of Americans want to work and pull their own weight. I'm not jealous of the rich, I have no idea what it would be like filthy rich. But our system is designed to make the rich richer.