What's the modernization package entail? Apps? Pushed to stop brown people from voting is a handy answer. It's almost universal.
Automatic registration at 18, with automated updates when you move. Voting registration at a state level, not local level, to help aid this and to avoid double registration.
Allow for voting on at least one other day besides the formal election day, such as the Saturday before election day
Substantially easing access to absentee ballots in a state like MO
Strong evaluation of the security of your voting systems against hacking, including making sure you are using a system with a printed backup that can be checked for every single vote
Voter ID with a reasonable in person accommodation on major election days
Ensuring there are enough polling places for demand, with this evaluated by a nonpartisan commission, not by Secretaries of State from one party
It's the sort of change that usually requires a statutory action in a given state/locality, so the pace at which the voting and election process modernizes is awfully slow.