Belichick and Brady never knew..............

This is all laughable at this point.

Really Tommy, you've been tossing a football for all of your life at a pro level and you can't tell when a football is low on air? GTFO
The FBI is now looking for the Patriots ball boy, he is on the run, the FBI considers him armed with a air pump and very dangerous.
Yea the equipment guy took it upon himself to take air out without Brady's knowledge.......
And they wonder why people hate them.
After watching the Lions and Cowboys game, how do you know the officials ever put the proper amount of air in the balls. All you have is their word on it, come to think
on it, you haven't heard them say much at all. I doubt if ball boys or quarterbacks go
around with air pumps or gauges stuck in their pockets. It just may have been the butler or husband or who else had the opportunity behind closed doors.

Lets meet for breakfast.
Could be the Colts qb had his balls set at 14 psi. It just could be possible don't you know. Being a little smarter knowing that about 1or 2 pounds would be lost in the cold weather in New England. If New England was so smart, how come they are so easy to catch cheating? Yet, the verdict is not in on this as of today. If 10 psi makes you score better, why isn't the league mandating all balls be a 10psi. They are
always looking to make scoring easier. They are always passing new rules to enhance teams ability to score. When it is so simple, just dump a couple of pounds of air out of the football.

This post was edited on 1/23 4:11 AM by Blueflu
Originally posted by Blueflu:

Could be the Colts qb had his balls set at 14 psi. It just could be possible don't you know. Being a little smarter knowing that about 1or 2 pounds would be lost in the cold weather in New England.
You can't be serious...
Mark Cuban may be right. NFL may not be able to eventually get out of their own way.
If it turns out that no one from New England fooled with the balls, then the only way
Indy kept their balls legal is by putting to much psi in their balls. A 20 degree drop in
temp will drop the psi about 2 pounds per square inch. That or the equipment manager did a better job of watching out for their balls. Let the new guy do his work and then see what he finds out. All 24 balls were in the same air temperature and subject to the laws of physics. Then you still have the two odd balls.

Originally posted by Drop.Tine:
Mark Cuban may be right. NFL may not be able to eventually get out of their own way.
...and that is 100% Roger Goodell's fault!(FIRE HIS @$$, NFL OWNERS!!!)

Paul Tagliabue was commissioner from 1989 through 2006; can anyone point to even one scandal in his 17 year tenure that rivals the kind of crap that Roger Goodell has put us through in his 8 years as commissioner?(...heck, Goodell has practically ushered in the beginning of the end of the sport as a whole!)
Originally posted by shoot90draw:
Why would the league owners fire the commissioner that is making them filthy rich?
...because if they're smart, they'll see the bigger picture...

...but before we get sidetracked, I'm serious; can anyone think of a scandal that Tagliabue faced in his 17 years that rivals anything that Goodell has put us through in his 8 short years?
All I can say is its a good thing someone caught the low inflation problem with the footballs in time or the Patriots might not of been able to pull off the win. Their offense seemed to struggle little more in the first half than the second. 17 to 7 at half with underflated balls, and they put 28 on Indy with the correctly inflated balls. Wonder what effect on the Indy offense the underflated balls had. Musta keep them from scoring. I don't know it just sounds like a bunch 5 year old sore losers to me blaming their teams unability to show up at a big game on underinflated balls. Really...............................
Michael Naughton - the chair of Boston College's physics department - has gone on the record to state that, "it's not possible for weather NOT to have played a role," in Ball-ghazi.
Say you inflate the ball to 12.5 PSI - the NFL minimum - in a room at 70 degrees, and then used the ball outside where it was 50 degrees. That 12.5 PSI would eventually become 11.5 PSI. If you inflate the ball to 12.5 PSI in an even warmer room where it was, say, 80 degrees, and then played outdoors at 40 degrees, that 12.5 PSI would become 10.5 PSI - a drop of two PSIs.

Ok, that's a pretty strong stat, but I'm sure that all of you Colts/Seahawks/Obama supporters will shoot it down as only one man's opinion.

Only, it's not just one man's opinion. Following Naughton's press release, The Boston Herald was contacted by a postdoctoral associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - I hear they're pretty good at that whole science thing - who corroborated the claim. The anonymous associate even sent in his own math that predicted a, "1.78 psi [decrease] by halftime if the balls were filled at room temperature."
Originally posted by Mitsurugi san:

Originally posted by shoot90draw:
Why would the league owners fire the commissioner that is making them filthy rich?
...because if they're smart, they'll see the bigger picture...

...but before we get sidetracked, I'm serious; can anyone think of a scandal that Tagliabue faced in his 17 years that rivals anything that Goodell has put us through in his 8 short years?
Oh I completely agree, they should fire him and fire him soon! But sadly I do not see that happening because of the money. Tagliabue did not have nearly this much drama/scandal that Goodell has had but like I said, its the money the owners are getting...
You dipsticks who vote for people still questioning evolution and global warming are now taking the word of a "scientist" over a footballs inflation level? You are proving there is no difference between irony and retardation.
How interesting that "science" in this case only seemed to apply to 11 of the 12 balls on the Pats' sidelines and NONE of the 12 balls on the Colts' sidelines(since only those 11 were found to be under inflated...)

It seems that every point of view on the planet can find itself a "scientist" to explain why it's accurate; I wonder how long it will be before an "expert" from a different university(say one located in or around Baltimore or Indianapolis) has their descenting opinion(complete with "scientific" evidence) published in a newspaper somewhere else...

DON'T BE WEAK MINDED ENOUGH TO ALLOW OTHERS TO MAKE UP YOUR MIND FOR YOU!(this needs to be the battle cry of this next generation otherwise all future human decisions will be made by twitter!)