All Biden’s fault

BAHHAHAAHHHHAAAA oh wait that is how you respond.

Clearly a disgusting profit grab do to the circumstances of Biden's failure as a economic leader. IF you don't go hog wild on printing money and flooding the market with more Demand than supply a company can't leverage that to turn a huge profit....although that is the reason you have publicly traded companies, to make a massive return for investors and those in charge. They are not public welfare corporations to provide jobs, healthcare and retirement for their employee's. They are to make a profit and to distribute that to those who have taken the Risk and who run the company.

I suggest if it bothers you so much to buy others brands or generic you won't take part in their money grab.

But ultimately Biden and his advisors have opened the door do to their lack of economic wisdom for this type of behavior. Of course your idea will be to over regulate and try and control the natural market place which is never a good idea.

And just for context the price of cereal has been stagnant from 2015 to the gradual increase could be a adjustment coming all at once.
You rationalize anything you don’t like. I don’t buy their fructose laced crap. I have never mentioned regulating anything except drug and healthcare prices Another example of your exaggerating your perceived opponents thoughts to make yourself seem like a tough guy.

I’m not competing with you. But corporate greed is a major part of our current inflation rate. I’ve been studying for a new auto purchase for several months now and car companies are gouging the hell out of people while they are able to use parts shortages as an excuse.

Have you rented a car lately? Rental companies are gouging the crap out of people on vehicles they purchased long before the current new car inflation.

Biden has been in office 10 months and all this happened because of his actions? You are clueless. Things don’t happen over night.
You rationalize anything you don’t like. I don’t buy their fructose laced crap. I have never mentioned regulating anything except drug and healthcare prices Another example of your exaggerating your perceived opponents thoughts to make yourself seem like a tough guy.

I’m not competing with you. But corporate greed is a major part of our current inflation rate. I’ve been studying for a new auto purchase for several months now and car companies are gouging the hell out of people while they are able to use parts shortages as an excuse.

Have you rented a car lately? Rental companies are gouging the crap out of people on vehicles they purchased long before the current new car inflation.

Biden has been in office 10 months and all this happened because of his actions? You are clueless. Things don’t happen over night.
But you have mentioned regulating Drug and Healthcare....which shouldn't be regulated. If you are Pro regulation of Big Pharm/healthcare then one can only suppose you are pro regulation.

And if the Gov. opened up things to competition then the price of both would go down. But neither side wants that. The Rep's pretend they do but they don't want real competition, both sides wants fake competition and to get their grift to draft legislation that is pro Big Pharm and Healthcare companies.

And Please it's you who throw out the backhanded BS personal comments. That is the De facto definition of trying to be a tough guy.

I literally pointed out that the General Mills was taking advantage of the economic policies of the Current Administration, why would I be surprised that Car companies and Rental companies are not doing the same.

They have a obligation to share holders to make as much profit as possible. Again don't rent or Don't buy a car and create a bigger supply than there is a demand and the market will realign. The part's shortage is real. Of course car companies/dealerships don't have to raise prices but that is anti-business and would effect their market price and investors would have none of that.


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