"After testing positive for coronavirus"


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2003
The Sticks of Missouri
Panicked and liberal people read this as... 5 year old dies of Corona....

But, read the article.... died from meningitis. As a result of corona...maybe so? But... they want you to draw the conclusion.

Everything is terrible, hide everyone. Hide every little kid. Everyone is going to die.

Fear mongering.
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Panicked and liberal people read this as... 5 year old dies of Corona....

But, read the article.... died from meningitis. As a result of corona...maybe so? But... they want you to draw the conclusion.

Everything is terrible, hide everyone. Hide every little kid. Everyone is going to die.

Fear mongering.
Now I know it's hard to believe, but just last week the President's task force came out with what seemed to be a pretty reasonable plan for getting people back to work. Then the President tweets liberate this and that and the liberators show up with their guns. Now explain to me who seems to think everything is terrible and in a panic.
Why can't everyone just chill until May 1? The vast majority of people agreed when trumpy gave the shutdown order that was the prudent thing to do. Yet halfway thru the isolation period and people are up in arms. The May 1 reopening announcement, as trumpy said himself, would give businesses time to put safety measures in place. Parsons made MO's date May 5 on a Monday - reasonable enough.

If trumpy gave the order today to open up, factories and businesses open to the public likely aren't prepared with face masks, hand cleaners, and social distancing measures in place for employees and customers.

Apparently MO has reached the peak and starting to fall. But the present mark is still high on the curve's downward turn. There are still thousands of infected Missourians, not to mention the mild cases and asymptomatic cases not being reported. And it is becoming apparent that some people are carrying the virus that are not getting sick but still spreading the virus.

Everybody relax and stay at home until May 4!
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Why can't everyone just chill until May 1? The vast majority of people agreed when trumpy gave the shutdown order that was the prudent thing to do. Yet halfway thru the isolation period and people are up in arms. The May 1 reopening announcement, as trumpy said himself, would give businesses time to put safety measures in place. Parsons made MO's date May 5 on a Monday - reasonable enough.

If trumpy gave the order today to open up, factories and businesses open to the public likely aren't prepared with face masks, hand cleaners, and social distancing measures in place for employees and customers.

Apparently MO has reached the peak and starting to fall. But the present mark is still high on the curve's downward turn. There are still thousands of infected Missourians, not to mention the mild cases and asymptomatic cases not being reported. And it is becoming apparent that some people are carrying the virus that are not getting sick but still spreading the virus.

Everybody relax and stay at home until May 4!

over 40,000 Missouri residents who filled for unemployment have not received a check yet. That is just in Missouri alone, that is no stimulus check that is nothing going on over 5 weeks. Yea I am sure those people want to stay home relax and starve to death.
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Oh yeah, know what your saying. Another red tape problem from being overloaded. And one guy on the news said he tried to call all day and never got thru. It's a mess!

What are you suggesting, bullit?? What do all the protestors and complainers want - Trumpy or Parsons to make an announcement for everybody to go back to work tomorrow? I would have no problem in the rural counties with > 6 cases reported to go back to work now but no way in the metro areas. We have just past the peak in MO.

We're going to have to ride it out for 2 more weeks and hope people get their unemployment and stimulus checks soon. It appears to be the gov fault that people aren't getting the checks, but it is coming. Heck, I feel for the people really hurting, I've been there.

As far as anybody starving to death, there are food banks and places to go - any church would help a family get by.
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No question this needs to speed up. My sense from reporting is MO hasn't really lagged other states that badly; they just weren't prepared for this volume of claims.
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I heard a guy from New York say he tried for a week and never did get to talk to someone from unemployment office.
over 40,000 Missouri residents who filled for unemployment have not received a check yet. That is just in Missouri alone, that is no stimulus check that is nothing going on over 5 weeks. Yea I am sure those people want to stay home relax and starve to death.
Parsons said Mo doesn't have enough in the unemployment fund to meet the demand.
But he went on to say he would make cuts in other areas to make up the difference, and he hoped the feds would help out.
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Oh yeah, know what your saying. Another red tape problem from being overloaded. And one guy on the news said he tried to call all day and never got thru. It's a mess!

What are you suggesting, bullit?? What do all the protestors and complainers want - Trumpy or Parsons to make an announcement for everybody to go back to work tomorrow? I would have no problem in the rural counties with > 6 cases reported to go back to work now but no way in the metro areas. We have just past the peak in MO.

We're going to have to ride it out for 2 more weeks and hope people get their unemployment and stimulus checks soon. It appears to be the gov fault that people aren't getting the checks, but it is coming. Heck, I feel for the people really hurting, I've been there.

As far as anybody starving to death, there are food banks and places to go - any church would help a family get by.

Kaskaskiakid, I am not going to pretend to have all the answers, again this is a damned if you do and damned if you don't, and many places that could help have also been forced to shut down. Goodwill in Monett was forced to shut down because of this and cannot take any donations, there was a an article about it in our local paper because they said they too because of the shut down in a time when so many need them cannot do anything, many churches are hurting because they have not been able to open their doors for donations on Sunday. Again I don't know what the answer is and really there is no easy answer. Maybe you do open up some counties with less cases, but Barry county went from 1 case to 6 in just 2 weeks, With out the shutdown who knows?

I can tell you when you lose your paycheck things have a tendency to change how you look at things. You cannot always count on hand outs, sometimes you just want to be able to roll up your sleeves and look your kids in the eye and say Daddy's got this. But when you cant that is one of the hardest things a person can go thru.

All I know is we cannot do this forever, if we do our great great great great grandkids will be in dept for something they will read about in the history books and go they all dead now and we stuck with the bill...
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I think I'm lucky because I live in a rural area with low infection, so easier for me to stay away from infected people. But I'm not anxious to see my nephew go back to work at GM with 2,000 other people right now.
I think I'm lucky because I live in a rural area with low infection, so easier for me to stay away from infected people. But I'm not anxious to see my nephew go back to work at GM with 2,000 other people right now.

I am considered essential so I go in everyday, my wife and one kid get to work from home. But right now there is nobody else around me so I am not to worried.
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In not all, but MANY cases, Daddy should have saved for this possibility instead of spending a fortune on his loaded extended cab 1/2 ton truck and the insurance that goes with it and that side by side in his garage and other toys.

Yeah I think in some cases you can be exactly right. But I also know many that live paycheck to paycheck and don't have anything you speak of.

Your life must be really sad when all you can do is belittle people and never open your mind up and think some people are good people and are just caught up in something nobody ever saw coming and are suffering for it. But since you are so perfect I am sure you will join Trump in the hall of fame for all knowing and always right.
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2 questions people ask before most elections when voting for the President
1. Are you better off today than you were 3 years ago? No lost 18 grand that I don't see coming back anytime soon and I can't leave my house and feel safe.
2. Is country headed in the right direction? NO See above and add people dying everyday from the virus.
If you answer yes to either of these questions you must have had it pretty rough before we got this Administration.
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2 questions people ask before most elections when voting for the President
1. Are you better off today than you were 3 years ago? No lost 18 grand that I don't see coming back anytime soon and I can't leave my house and feel safe.
2. Is country headed in the right direction? NO See above and add people dying everyday from the virus.
If you answer yes to either of these questions you must have had it pretty rough before we got this Administration.

Under what administration would you have not lost 18 grand?

Under what administration would people not be dying from this?

---- you can't say anyone else would have done better. Why did Nancy Pelosi try to keep Donald from instituting a travel ban?---

No one knew. And financially, you wouldn't have gained the 18k in the first place, likely. but, maybe so. we just don't know.
Under what administration would you have not lost 18 grand?

Under what administration would people not be dying from this?

---- you can't say anyone else would have done better. Why did Nancy Pelosi try to keep Donald from instituting a travel ban?---

No one knew. And financially, you wouldn't have gained the 18k in the first place, likely. but, maybe so. we just don't know.
Yeah, if you can't evaluate the answers before the virus, you'll never say it would be the same under anyone else. They just can't be intellectually honest where Trump is concerned.
My investments are still WAY up from when Trump took office so, yes i'm better off.
The country wouldn't have survived this (if we have) if Trump hadn't led us to the heights we were at in so many ways.
The country wouldn't have survived this (if we have) if Trump hadn't led us to the heights we were at in so many ways.

while running up the national debt to new heights, and that was before coronavirus.

He runs the country like his businesses - on credit with no way to pay for it. But the rich get paid - where did the first round of stimulus money go? To the same people who just made millions with a tax cut. Meanwhile we're on here talking about John Q Public's family starving.
Under what administration would you have not lost 18 grand?

Under what administration would people not be dying from this?

---- you can't say anyone else would have done better. Why did Nancy Pelosi try to keep Donald from instituting a travel ban?---

No one knew. And financially, you wouldn't have gained the 18k in the first place, likely. but, maybe so. we just don't know.
Well since you ask such a hypothetical I would say any administration Democratic or Republican. This administrations leadership has been horrific. I will rehash just the major flip flop, lies or false hope words coming from Trump's mouth 1. 15 cases will soon be 0 2. It's well contained. 3. Anyone who wants a test can get a test I know a lot about this stuff. ( Still not true to this day) We are a backup. the list goes on and on. The things you mentioned could be said about any election, but the questions are valid. People will spin it any way they want. If you want a chance to spend the next 4 years with this guy leading the way good luck I don't think 44 to 45% will be enough this time around. Oh and I forgot the latest flip flop. His Administration comes up with a fairly good plan (for this administration) on how to reopen the economy and Trump couldn't wait for the ink to dry to encourage people to disregard it and grab their guns and take to the streets. Real leadership. One more thing. Nice try bringing Nancy into the conversation. Good to see you have moved on from it's Obama's fault.
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over 40,000 Missouri residents who filled for unemployment have not received a check yet. That is just in Missouri alone, that is no stimulus check that is nothing going on over 5 weeks. Yea I am sure those people want to stay home relax and starve to death.
If you file for unemployment ANYTIME it takes about 6 weeks to get it started. Now imagine how long it might take in this situation.
It's been a long time for me but I don't remember it taking more than 2-3 weeks after the week waiting period. Also credit dems for getting as part of the stimulus package, they will get $600 per week for up to 4 months in addition to their unemployment check.
If you file for unemployment ANYTIME it takes about 6 weeks to get it started. Now imagine how long it might take in this situation.
It has been a long time since I had to file but it usually was 1 week waiting period before checks arrived.
In not all, but MANY cases, Daddy should have saved for this possibility instead of spending a fortune on his loaded extended cab 1/2 ton truck and the insurance that goes with it and that side by side in his garage and other toys.

Now take that argument and apply it to student debt..not in a pandemic per se but always.
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The degree is going to make you money. The truck costs you money as soon as you drive it off the lot.

I don't agree with free college for all or loan forgiveness. If you can't afford 4 yrs at Mizzou, you can go to a juco for 2 years and somewhere like Southeast Missouri for 2 yrs much cheaper.

Taxes would have to go up. We can't continue growing the national debt.
The degree is going to make you money. The truck costs you money as soon as you drive it off the lot.

I don't agree with free college for all or loan forgiveness. If you can't afford 4 yrs at Mizzou, you can go to a juco for 2 years and somewhere like Southeast Missouri for 2 yrs much cheaper.

Taxes would have to go up. We can't continue growing the national debt.

Actually we can just print money like there is no tomorrow. It is unreal. This is all just a game. It’s a joke. It’s all make believe. Does the deficit even mean anything any more?

When you print money like this, the value of the dollar should be tumbling. But it’s not. Explain that to me. We are sending out a couple trillion bucks from treasury. Where did it come from?
Out of the air.
The degree is going to make you money. The truck costs you money as soon as you drive it off the lot.

I don't agree with free college for all or loan forgiveness. If you can't afford 4 yrs at Mizzou, you can go to a juco for 2 years and somewhere like Southeast Missouri for 2 yrs much cheaper.

Taxes would have to go up. We can't continue growing the national debt.
taxes aren't the fix. Why would you loan more money to a company that keeps spending it poorly? spending cuts are the fix. Make people who are healthy go to work.
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If you file for unemployment ANYTIME it takes about 6 weeks to get it started. Now imagine how long it might take in this situation.

My child is still waiting been 5 weeks. However others that filed after them and are now receiving checks. They were finally able to get thru today and the unemployment office told them that there is over 40,000 filers who have gone to auditor and theirs is one of them and they have no time frame and they don't have enough help so it could be another six weeks before it gets resolved.

So it could be 12 weeks before 40,000 people get a check. If you are waiting for that to feed your family that is bad. Government shut this down they need to take care of this end of story. I called them and told them hire my child if you need help this is bull $*^#.
oh and they are a college grad, and their student loans have are now due...they don't owe much less than $20,000 but still now they want payments... What they hell are people to do? I am sure Moscow Mitch would say it is their fault somehow and to just relax and shelter in place don't worry about anything.
I said “not all” but I’m sure it’s hard to read while in a blind rage. However, there are SOME people in my community who fit the exact bill I described. They make $75,000/year and spend it all.

They went on Caribbean vacations this winter, but now a month without work is devastating to them.

No where did I say everyone is in this boat. But it is prevalent

LOL blind rage...remember when you point a finger there are three pointing back at you. Your history of post shows you are more likely to rage then engage.

Again I don't disagree with you, I think many are in bad positions, because of bad choices. But this is going to affect many, if things don't start to look up, taxes are going to dry up for many things and budgets are going to have to be slashed. I think communities will have to look at do we need all these teachers for the next 18 months.
And it pains me to say that because that is what my child's degree is in. Example do we need to pay $80,000 to an AD that is not doing anything for the next season? I think we need to keep some teachers, but we won't need as many if this continues for sure. There are many other things that will start to be affected too. Again with no taxes Governments cannot keep handing out those big checks either, this comes down to can we wait this out or are we just going have to figure out how to move on and living with it?
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The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, provides automatic suspension of principal and interest payments on federally-held student loans through September 30, 2020.

I will have to have them look into it. To be honest I just go but what they were telling me over the weekend that they got an email that their payments will start in the next few months.

Do you have any more information on it that I can pass along to them so they can look into it. I thought nothing was passed to help with loans.
bullit, Maybe we shouldn't be spending $730,000,000,000 on defense per year - more than the next 12 countries combined!!

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