

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2020
Imagine the embarrassment of having to admit that you voted for a man in his 70s who is such a child he is claiming IF he had been at the queen’s funeral he would have had a much better seat than Joe Biden?

He is a big, fat, orange man baby. Who would vote for anyone that childish?
Imagine the embarrassment of having to admit that you voted for a man in his 70s who is such a child he is claiming IF he had been at the queen’s funeral he would have had a much better seat than Joe Biden?

He is a big, fat, orange man baby. Who would vote for anyone that childish?
Same people hung up on 'Let's Go Brandon!"?
Honest question. Are there any Trumpers watching the court filings and thinking how can he have this many incompetent people working for him and not think he is putting those same types of people in the government?
That's for sure, but it's the qualified ones that are nailing his lawyers for inconsistencies, and actually catching them in admissions that will haunt them in the future.
I looked thru hundreds of pictures and I never posed with my hands on my daughter like this.


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