Acting like everything is ok


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2020
We are all acting like things are fine. What’s ahead. From the people who worked for Trump.

I really hope that there will be a barrage of those people on tv in October next year!
I really hope that there will be a barrage of those people on tv in October next year!
Even if he doesn’t win, he will raise millions and contaminate the minds of millions of people with lies and mistrust and victimhood.
Don't you think people are getting tired of his crap and they are slowly figuring him out. I just don't feel the enthusiasm for the outsider I felt in 2015.
Don't you think people are getting tired of his crap and they are slowly figuring him out. I just don't feel the enthusiasm for the outsider I felt in 2015.
Not his millions of true blue followers, they just soak it up and will be ready to fight if he is convicted of anything meaningful or doesn't win the election.
I love in central mo. And around here, Trump is a god. Period. It's worse now than before 2020.
I have lost more friends lately, if you say anything bad about trump, they take it personal.
I love in central mo. And around here, Trump is a god. Period. It's worse now than before 2020.
Have you seen more on the fence in 2020 going to him or is it mostly his supporters that have just dug their heels in further?
Everybody that was on fence in 2020 that voted for Biden will vote trump..
The man has 4 children with two different immigrant women. Yet he spews out the Hitler shet to his cult. He has repeated this multiple times now.


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