Abolish Police at Duke U ? No way


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
A student organization at Duke University called the Black Coalition Against Policing has demanded the university abolish its police department, claiming policing is “inherently rooted in white supremacy.”

The College Fix reported on the nine-page letter sent earlier this month by the coalition to the school’s administration and board of trustees demanding the abolishment of the university’s police department.

“Let us state this unequivocally: originating in slave patrols, policing is inherently rooted in white supremacy and cannot be reformed,” the letter said. “Now, we must imagine a world beyond police and prisons, one that seeks to heal and rebuild our communities from generations of systemic violence.”
If it is remotely like any other campus police where I went to school. Who will write all the silly parking tickets?
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I really wouldn't mind it if they did do away with police at this time and replace them with Social workers and mental healthcare professionals....really I'm well armed and live in a neighborhood with other like minded folks. I mean we see a nefarious looking character in the neighborhood why call the Social Worker Corp. who would want to molly cuddle them....we just take care of the problem easy peasy.

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