$3.5 Million?

Neutron Monster

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2014
Did Denny Hastert secretly molest a student, father a kid of wedlock, take a bribe in Congress, or something else? He paid $3.5 million to keep something from his past quiet! This indictment is jaw-dropping.

This is incredibly dumb if you think about it - the crime is he structured the payments and lied about it, not that he actually made the payments. And, WHY ON EARTH DID HE ANSWER THE FBI'S QUESTIONS? You can tell he's not a lawyer.

Also I'm going into lobbying...because where else did a HS teacher turned Congressman get $3.5 M?
That's the beginning of a crazy story. It will be interesting to see where it goes.
That poor "public servant" Hastert has parlayed his humble career earnings into millions. Somehow he goes from HS coach to Congress and comes out with land holdings out the ying yang. When you can pass a highway deal to purchase your own land for a cool 2 million and lobby for numerous firms after leaving office for millions you can pay 3.5 million to your victim. Look up "what's wrong with America" and you will see his picture.
Wow, just Wow SMH. He was supposed to be the squeaky clean politician. What a way to lose a legacy. The phone call on C-SPAN was just weird.

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