2024 Classes - Help Needed


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
Starting a discussion...
What "new" 11-man teams do we have this season? Linn? O'Fallon Christian? Any others?
What teams are leaving 11-man? Wellington. Any others? KC Public schools all surviving another year? STL public schools?

What teams are being moved up another class or dropping down? St. Pius KC now will have a two class bump. Lift for Life will now have a 1 class bump. All others the same? I believe so.

Co-Ops...any new co-ops for this coming season?

DESE has building enrollments up from November 15, nothing from spring when schools submit their official enrollments to MSHSAA, so this guess will be a rough one. I'm sure a few shake-ups occurred after winter break. But first we need to identify the number of schools playing 11-man so we can get the Class 1 number correct and go from there.
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Knob noster is cooping with Leeton.
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Starting a discussion...
What "new" 11-man teams do we have this season? Linn? O'Fallon Christian? Any others?
What teams are leaving 11-man? Wellington. Any others? KC Public schools all surviving another year? STL public schools?

What teams are being moved up another class or dropping down? St. Pius KC now will have a two class bump. Lift for Life will now have a 1 class bump. All others the same? I believe so.

Co-Ops...any new co-ops for this coming season?

DESE has building enrollments up from November 15, nothing from spring when schools submit their official enrollments to MSHSAA, so this guess will be a rough one. I'm sure a few shake-ups occurred after winter break. But first we need to identify the number of schools playing 11-man so we can get the Class 1 number correct and go from there.
Would be little need for this if MSHSAA would just take total 11 man teams and divide by 6.

That'll be18k for my consulting fee .

Thank you.
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cry baby GIF

Here come the "Class 1 and Class 2 should be smaller, why is Class 6 so small" whiners.
From the Advisory Committee before LAST season:
Recommend establishing the following breakdown for the six (6) 11-man classifications: (8-0)
• Class 1 → 36 (Expansion up to 42 if schools return from 8-man or new schools add under the current threshold) Minimum of 32 if additional schools vacate Class 1. Use previously established tiebreaker for setting 36th school Classes 2 – 5 → approximately equal (currently projected at 56)
Class 6 → 42

So if we have Linn, O'Fallon Christian, and Pleasant Hope adding Varsity...and lose Wellington to 8 man that's a net positive two. Am I correct to assume Class 1 would now have 38 schools this fall?
Class 2 already had 57 last season. Which seems weird...just add a third team to Class 1 (39) and keep Classes 2-5 at 56 schools.
From the Advisory Committee before LAST season:
Recommend establishing the following breakdown for the six (6) 11-man classifications: (8-0)
• Class 1 → 36 (Expansion up to 42 if schools return from 8-man or new schools add under the current threshold) Minimum of 32 if additional schools vacate Class 1. Use previously established tiebreaker for setting 36th school Classes 2 – 5 → approximately equal (currently projected at 56)
Class 6 → 42

So if we have Linn, O'Fallon Christian, and Pleasant Hope adding Varsity...and lose Wellington to 8 man that's a net positive two. Am I correct to assume Class 1 would now have 38 schools this fall?
Class 2 already had 57 last season. Which seems weird...just add a third team to Class 1 (39) and keep Classes 2-5 at 56 schools.
mshsaa makes these decisions so you may wanna take the common sense part out of your theories lol.

In the off season while bored i did a nice 7 class mock up which brings more sanity than ever to the situation but mshsaa would never use it
KC Central is back this year. Them and KC Southeast were a co-op last season. Doniphan is out this year.
There was a proposal to eventually divide the classes and I believe the advisory committee had the meeting in February but Mshsaa has removed all meeting minutes from previous years and has not posted from the meeting.
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I be working on a pre-season class breakdown soon using last year enrollment and this year championship factor. I have 305 Schools participating this year.

New Teams Linn, Ofallon, Pleasant Hope, KC Central, and University Academy since they wasn’t assigned to district assignments last year.

Losing teams, Wellington, Doniphan and Bishop Dubourg.

New Co-Ops or teams not co-op this season?
So if the state will be +2 on total teams getting classified, will both be added to the class 1 total and all other classes stay the samel? Or is it strictly those adding football that would fall under the Class 1 umbrella? (Linn and O'Fallon Christian)?
The manual and procedures from last year are very vague on that.
Will it be 38 in Class 1, 57 in Class 2, 56 - 56 - 56 - 42?
Or will it be 37 in Class 1 (add Linn and O'Fallon and drop Wellington), 57 - 57 (extra team goes here) - 56 - 56 - 42? Minor change obviously, but that one school in Class 1 could be Thayer or Adrian or someone that could contend.
So if the state will be +2 on total teams getting classified, will both be added to the class 1 total and all other classes stay the samel? Or is it strictly those adding football that would fall under the Class 1 umbrella? (Linn and O'Fallon Christian)?
The manual and procedures from last year are very vague on that.
Will it be 38 in Class 1, 57 in Class 2, 56 - 56 - 56 - 42?
Or will it be 37 in Class 1 (add Linn and O'Fallon and drop Wellington), 57 - 57 (extra team goes here) - 56 - 56 - 42? Minor change obviously, but that one school in Class 1 could be Thayer or Adrian or someone that could contend.

Veer2: when someone mentioned Adrian without him bringing it up, first...

Schitts Creek Wow GIF by CBC
Yea that's what I said.

You and top.

And AC100 and Chaotic on October 13...classic. When they reported the score wrong, and they thought Grandview was beating K. NOPE 42-7 K. The first ones in line to talk Sh**. Bahahaa Classic all time goof. And we don't forget...
And AC100 and Chaotic on October 13...classic. When they reported the score wrong, and they thought Grandview was beating K. NOPE 42-7 K. The first ones in line to talk Sh**. Bahahaa Classic all time goof. And we don't forget...
october 13th?
Man they just burnin up the board!

The manual and procedures from last year are very vague on that.
Will it be 38 in Class 1, 57 in Class 2, 56 - 56 - 56 - 42?
Or will it be 37 in Class 1 (add Linn and O'Fallon and drop Wellington), 57 - 57 (extra team goes here) - 56 - 56 - 42? Minor change obviously, but that one school in Class 1 could be Thayer or Adrian or someone that could contend.
I say it be 37 since Linn and O’fallon is the only 2 that’s has an enrollment to is in the threshold for the Class one Schools. Also they’re is more schools returning to 11 man. Central KC, East KC also returning to 11 man and University Academy had that error with registration last fall and they should be place in a district this year. So Really football gain 3 teams this year and rounds up to 306 schools for the upcoming season. So C1 would is 37 3 classes with 57 and 1 class with 56 and Class 6 would be 42.

One more thing to just split all classes evenly and 51 would be in each class. It’s makes so much sense. Nobody doesn’t want travel 2 or 3 hours away in a first round district game like class 1 last year.
Over the summer will Bosko A) Gain or B) Lose weight?
Over the Summer Bosko will (1) daydream about Hot Kearney Moms (2) drink beer (3) not lose weight (4) plan the next money-making booster club scheme and (5) send so many fan letters to Mike Tomlin that the NFL, FBI and the Secret Service pay Mr. BOsko a little visit.
Over the Summer Bosko will (1) daydream about Hot Kearney Moms (2) drink beer (3) not lose weight (4) plan the next money-making booster club scheme and (5) send so many fan letters to Mike Tomlin that the NFL, FBI and the Secret Service pay Mr. BOsko a little visit.
I think this sounds about right for Bosko. With all these summer activities, no way he has time for a wife. So maybe he is actually divorced.

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