10 years of stupid

Yes social Media is the Bane of modern civilization....what it has done to Gen-Z is criminal

I do find it ironic that clearly Toots has SHARED a twitter article one of hundreds on this site he has shared, but he doesn't recognize that he is obviously feeding into the emotional frenzy and propaganda the writer of this article is warning us about.

I agree that the Republic was set up not to be swayed by the Emotional demands of the Mob Rule inherent to a Democracy and that elected officials should have insulation from the unruly agitators.

I been saying on this board for a long time that the Continued pounding battle cry of the Left that everyone on the right was a Uneducated bigoted Racist, who is homophobic, xenophobic and every ist and ism in the book, would eventually lead to a Divide and Gulf to wide to span. Not surprising when the hardcore radical Progressives was 8% of the population but dominated the shared political content percentage at 70%.... At this point yes any small difference is magnified to it's highest degree and living and let live is out the window.

Over half the country now can't even stomach the idea of everyone not wearing a mask or getting the vax if the Institutions demand it, the freedom of choice drove the left insane add in the leftist are 100% all in on taking away the 2A rights that the founding fathers found so dear to maintaining a Free Republic and of course no heeling is coming anytime soon.

I have stated on this board on more than one occasion if the Left would stop it's 2A attacks and stop canceling conservatives that make up the 6% of the fringe who make hyperbolic statements that most of the progressive ideas would slowly come to pass.

But Once Liberal institutions of free thought and exchange became constrictive and controlled by the Left radicals closing off any dissent of discussions that run counter to the message. The line was drawn.

Govt, institutions, and the MSM have self inflicted the damage to their Trust. The one good of Social Media is that it has allowed the Masses to actually witness in real time the Corruption and Control these Powerful institutions have over what is actually happening. And the lies and bias they have been covering up..

It is understandable that those institutions are fighting to survive and maintain control of the Narrative if they want to do so and survive it is they who must adjust and become more transparent and more truthful and actually follow the Foundations of our Constitution as opposed to trying to circumvent those ideas for the so called greater good.